Those 18

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~There were 17~

All the ones who are transported into this world have a reason of being transported here

from nowhere to outer space, fighters are invited no matter how impossible it seemed to be.

Fighters are invited by letter with a small trophy base like stand inside.

It has the obvious letter objects like a stamp and a letter addressed to the receiver.

The trophy base like stand was the most interesting part of it, the stand had the capability of transporting the fighter invited if they pressed on the smash symbol hard enough

An odd exception is |̶-̸|̷.̶.̸.̶.̶|̴.̵|̶ ̵ ̵|̸.̴-̶.̵.̸|̴.̶-̸|̸.̸.̵.̴|̵-̸|̴ ̴ ̵|̶-̴-̵-̶|̴.̸.̷-̶-̴.̸|̵ ̵ ̶|̷.̷.̸.̶.̴|̷.̶.̷|̴.̶.̴.̸|̴ ̷ ̷|̷-̴.̶-̵|̸.̶.̴|̴-̵.̶|̴-̶.̸.̵|̷

He seems to be invited sometime after all of this instead of before, like most others.

Nobody knows why, he just is...

Maybe it has something to do with-




Wolf stood over the edge, he had no reason to be here at all, the most the had contributed to this entire adventure was destroying at least 1 subspace bomb. He didn't even help destroy subspace . As much as he sort of hated to think about it the 2 fighters that came along helped him. Though Wolf himself didn't care much about any of the subspace shenanigans, so it didn't lay waste to his mind.

Jigglypuff had already went along with Samus and pikachu so the only one that he himself knew was Toon link at least that's what he called himself. He didn't talk much but when he did it was quite useful, pointing out details. But for a majority of the time He was the one doing the heavy lifting.

Why was he even sent to this world anyways? Oh... right the tournament that he was late to and possibly had to be delayed. 'Oh well at least I'm not that late' Wolf reassured himself. He decided that there were more important things to do than stare at the sun and left the cliff, swiftly he  searched for this "Smash Manor" forgetting a map that he had accidentally dropped.

~There were 16~


Toon link looked over the edge and onto the vast sea of seemingly no end, it reminded him of his home world and how he was suddenly transported into this world without much reason. He looked down the letter he had kept within his hat and started to read it, he was indeed invited here for a tournament there was a map that showed the location of the Manor. 

This adventure was strange he had at least seen another version of himself and he had no idea what to think about it, was he from another timeline? Or was he just someone from the past or Future. Toon link turned his head away from the sky and onto the sunset.

Toon Link admitted to himself that this sunset was by far the most interesting one he had seen. Considering the circumstances behind it. The fact that he got here by drifting away from his mission is certainly worrying, he should ask this Master hand person on how his own world is doing.

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