Start from the beginning

"Ooh, what did this hot new neighbor look like?"

"He had the prettiest eyes. And his hair? Definitely a wig. No one's hair could be that shade, not even with bleach. Nonetheless, he looked good."

"Hotter than Toji?"

"They come pretty close if I'm being honest."

"Did you get his name and number?"

"No, I didn't ask his name. And why would I need his number? I'll be out of this house soon."

"If he looks as good as you say, why not? You could get to know him and do... other things."

"I said he's hot, not that I want to fuck him."

"What's the difference? What better way is there to get over someone than sleeping with someone else."

"Stop. I wouldn't cheat on Toji regardless of what he's done. I'm not gonna stoop to his level."

"Stoop to whose level?"

You put your phone on mute. "You should wear a bell around your neck. How long have you been standing there?"

"I just came in, why?"

"No reason."


You went to a bar later that night because you wanted some time to yourself to think. You loved your kids, you did, but they could be a bit much and every mother wishes they could get some time away.

After only two drinks. you were already feeling the alcohol's effects. The same guy with the freakishly white hair and blue eyes sat a seat across from you and you hadn't noticed him until now. Features like those are hard to miss.

Hot new neighbor?

That's all you could've referred to him as, seeing as you didn't know his name.

"You're the guy from next door", you say gaining his attention.

"It's you again. I don't think I got your name."

"L/n Y/n." You gave him your family name rather than Zenin. "And you?"

"Gojo Satoru."

You had a few drinks with this Gojo guy and you were both clearly intoxicated. You ranted about your 'pathetic' life, making sure to leave out the fact that you were married. Without thinking you ended up kissing him and he kissed back. You don't know how it happened. It only lasted a second since you pulled away.

Holy fuck. I just kissed the hot new neighbor. I just cheated on Toji!

"Oh my God. No, I did not just do that." You cover your mouth. "I'm so sorry about that."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because it's awkward, and weird... Can we act like that didn't just happen?"

Gojo nods in agreement. If you were sober you'd be more embarrassed. Another ten minutes later the bar door opens and a man in a suit stands in the doorway looking pissed.

"That's my ride."

You look over to the exit where a tired-looking blond man stood. He looked somewhat familiar to you.

"Do you need a lift? I doubt he'd mind", says the white-haired male.

"No, I'm gonna hang here for a bit. Thanks though."

Gojo goes on his way, almost tripping over his feet.

It was just a kiss, but that didn't make the situation better. You still felt bad. Just because he did it with probably no remorse didn't mean you could.

You sat back at the bar table wallowing in your self-pity. "Can I get another drink over here?", you call out to the bartender.

Half an hour passed and you were pretty sure you drank enough to give a normal person alcohol poisoning. You were drunk out of your mind.

"I miss my kids, I miss Tsumiki, I even miss stoic Megumi... I miss that stupid, dumb old bastard Toji." You sit at the bar table, drunkenly talking to yourself, words incoherent and slurred, not knowing about the weird stares you were getting.

"What? No..." You shake your head violently, wanting the thought of missing Toji to leave your head.

I'm so stupid.

Alcohol was disgusting. You'd much prefer to be wine drunk in the comfort of your home than liquor drunk at some shitty bar that smelled like cigarettes and depression.

You weren't spending another minute in this place.

You exit the bar and walk back home, drifting as you couldn't walk straight. About fifteen, twenty minutes later, you manage to make it back without falling somewhere in the street.

Walking to the door of the house, you stumble over your feet knocking over one of your plants in the process.


You weren't going to touch anything and just leave it to clean up tomorrow, but you saw something silver glisten in the dirt on the ground. It almost looked like... keys? Your car keys.

"That bitch." Why didn't you think to look there before?


"Hey asshole", you talk loudly opening the door to the bedroom.

"Lower your voice, I just got Kaya to fall asleep."

"I", you hold up your newly found keys, "Found my car keys."

"You", you glare and point at Toji, "Thought I was stupid. But guess what? I'm not. Because I found them."

"Took you long enough. Are you drunk?"

"A little."

By a little, you meant a lot.

"I'm gonna take my car, and drive back to my mother's house right now."

"You're drunk, you can't be driving." Toji stands up from his bed.

"Watch me.

"Y/n-", he reaches out.

"Don't touch me", you move away from him. "You know I kissed a guy at the bar tonight?"

"Let's get you to bed. You don't know what you're saying."

"He was hot. And tall. He looked way better than you. Like, way better."

He didn't believe you and brushed off your rambling.

"Yeah right."


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