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8:49 A.M.

kenma was first to wake up, since it was a habit of his, because he has to deal with his company and update his socials.

kenma rubbed his eyes and saw your sleeping figure, gosh, you looked so elegant. it sparked something in him to be honest. ah, and not to mention, during the night while you two were asleep, one of you, that being kenma, had mindlessly moved closer to you. what? he doesnt get to control what he does in his sleep.

basically, you were sleeping in the leg up postion, facing away from kenma.

in his sleep, kenma had swooped an arm around your back, he was so embarrassed when he saw that. he hoped you hadnt woke. up earlier and just went back to sleep.

'whatever'  kenma thought, obviously trying to brush off the embarrassing moment. he got up, did his morning routine, you know, brush his teeth, shower, brush his hair, and change clothes.

after he did that, he opened instagram and took a photo of him doing a peace sign with your sleeping self in the background he captioned it "cant post for a while, visiting a friend"  he knew having you in the background was probably a bad idea, due to his fangirl dominated fanbase, but whats life without a little bit of drama?

anyways, he then walked out the room and saw charlotte in the living area

"morning" he said

"JESUS CHRIST YOU SCARED ME anyways, if you want like a bowl of cereal or something you can go get it from the kitchen"

"oh my god really?? i thought maybe the bathroom" kenma mocked charlotte's unhelpful advice.

"shut up"

after that, kenma walked to the kitchen and decided to make himself something proper to eat for breakfast.

he walked back to the living area to ask charlotte if she wanted some of the pancakes he was going to make and to ask for permission to make them.

"yo i dont want cereal so can i make pancakes?"

"yea sure"

"you want?"

"mmm sure" charlotte said after contemplating a bit

he walked back to the kitchen and did as he said, except he made three portions instead of two.

he took two portions to the living room and gave one to charlotte. as he started eating, you walked into the living room with a loose black sweatshirt tucked into baggy dull blue jeans. you planned on going out later for lunch, might as well get ready now.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐓. K. Kozume [✓]Where stories live. Discover now