Chapter 5

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At town(Tommy POV)-

"I think we lost them Tubbo but for now lets hide out in the town and try to get information about those vampires after us." "That sounds like a good plan Bossman. Also are the sprits saying anything?" "As right now no, but they did figure out that the pink haired vampire can hear them. So when we are around the pink hair vampire they will be quiet to try and not give away our position. Also I know two of their names, the pink one is Techno and the Brown haired is Wilbur." said Tommy. "That's good information, and if Techno can hear the sprits we should go to another town so that way we can't be found easily." "That's a good plan but we should wait till sunrise or else they can find us easy." 

Techno POV-

"Hey Phil we should be good to start heading towards the town right?" "Yes,  we can go now, but let me grab Wilbur so that way all three of us can go." said Phil. 

I still wonder how he could hear the voices and why are they helping him vs annoying him. "Hey Phil, why do you think that boy could hear the voices, but no one else can?" "I mean it could be the same thing as you or you guys are connected somehow." "That make sense. Are we going now?" "Yes, we're ready let's go." 


We finally made to the town. "Hey Phil do see them anywhere?" As soon as I said that the voices started going crazy. I grab onto my head to try and dull the headache coming on. "You okay Tech?" "Yes but i'm pretty sure that the boy is in this town because the voices are saying that, They found you, run." "I wonder if you are connected somehow." "Look over there!" Wilbur shouted pointing at something in the dark. I look closer and see that its the boys. "Wil, they are the one we are looking for." We start chasing after them, while also catching up to them trying to catch them off guard. "Wil! When we get close enough put them sleep." 

Tommy POV-

I was out looking for some food with Tubbo, when I looked over I saw the vampires. "Tubbo we got to go now!" I whisper to him and start running into the forest. "Wha-!" He looks over his shoulder to see where they are. "Tommy we have to hurry up, they saw and catching up." I look back and see that they are catching up so I start running faster dragging Tubbo with me. "Tommy I don't think we can out run them in the night because they are safer during the night." As soon as he said that I heard sprits just say to run. Soon I hear that they are right behind me and Tubbo. Last things I hear before I pass is "Sleep". I see that Tubbo has pass out, while I soon follow after.

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