♥04♥ No. 4, Captain and Point Guard, Hakanai Shiki

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"You used a picture of her and signed her up on one of those weird dating websites! She has been harrassed by other people, you know?! Emailing her and calling her!"

"So? That ain't my business. Maybe it's one of your friend's kinks?"  

"Hakanai, Kanon know it's you!" Kanon shouted, "Everyone knows you're the only one holding a grudge over what happened at the Winter Cup! Kanon did her best to try and win when you didn't bother turning up-" 

"'Kanon this', 'Kanon that', you don't really think you are adorable when you speak like that, do you? Grow up before you speak to me, little girl." Shiki stood up and looked at the girl with predatory eyes, "Where is your evidence, Sano?" 

"I- Only you have a reason to do something like that against Kanon!" 

"Evidence? Show it to me..." Shiki smirked when she saw her struggling to get words out, "Come back and amuse me when you have evidence that I am the one behind as to why you are offering to date strangers." Shiki pushed Kanon aside and walked away. Before she can walk away, Kanon's friend grabbed Shiki's shoulder, sticking up for Kanon. However, Shiki's movement was too fast and she grabbed the girl's face and slammed her to the bulletin board. "You're just an outsider... If you get involved in this, I will kill you..." Shiki let go of her and took her cell phone out.

It's time...

Shiki headed for the school gate and she saw her friends waiting for her. 

In Shiki's mind, she knew going against Kaijou would mean going against the captain, Kasamatsu Yukio. She decided to ignore that fact; crushing the enemy first before the Aozora boys' team does was more important than anything else...


Kasamatsu needed to have a 5 minute breather before the practice game with Aozora. Kise asked him about Aozora but Kasamatsu and the others didn't say anything much about them; everyone but Kise knew how much the other team affected Kasamatsu so they remained silent until the day Kasamatsu was ready to tell Kise the humiliating loss from last year's summer. 

"It's time..." Kasamatsu decided he should head back to the gym and see if the Aozora team has arrived. 

When Kasamatsu returned, he saw a team he did not expect to see at all...

"No way..." 'Is this the rumored team of girls who has been crushing boys' basketball teams one by one in Kanagawa?'

His teammates also shared the same face when they saw the girls arriving...

Wearing their white jersey and shorts, they have 'Sky' written in black and gold. 

Shiki leaded the girls into the gym and she smiled at Kasamatsu with a predatory grin. 

"Hakanai..." Kasamatsu doesn't know what to say; Shiki's team has been going around and delivering crushing defeat to everyone? Why would she do such a thing?

"Harumi-senpai, you're..." Kise was shocked to see Harumi here. 

"Kise," Harumi greeted with a smile. Shiki was the only one who can tell the pink haired idol was faking that smile...

"Akina-chan, can I... Can I talk to you for a second?" Moriyama held Akina's hand and dragged her away from the others to talk. It seems like he doesn't know his girlfriend well enough...

"Hakanai, you're the one leading your team?" Kasamatsu asked her. 


"Are you having fun doing so?" 

"Yes I am." 

Kasamatsu decided that there's no way they can lose here; he's leading his team and there's no way he can lead them and only to lose to a girl who was keen on crushing teams one by one out of fun. 

"Kasamatsu Yukio, let's have a good game." Just like a renowned captain, he displayed his good sportsmanship and held his hand out for Shiki to shake. 

"I have no intentions of holding back, Kasamatsu..." 

Kasamatsu made his team gather and told them of the change of plans. He does not know why the girls came in place of Aozora's boys' team but since they have arrived with the will to challenge them, there's no need to hold back. 

"We are going in full strength." When Kasamatsu said that, Moriyama was shocked. "I know it seems unfair to go full strength on them but trust me on this." 

Kasamatsu made it clear to leave Shiki to him; he had lost against her on a one on one and he has yet to return the favor of revenge. 

"Natsuhi," Shiki walked to the tallest member of her team.


"It doesn't matter if you don't get the tip-off first." 

"Shiki, are you sure?" 


"If you say so." Natsuhi got to the center of the court and she smiled a little at Kobori, "Sorry we had to see each other like this..." 

"Tsuyu-san, do you enjoy playing basketball like this?" Kobori asked her, hoping she would say no.

"Honestly, I don't." Natsuhi looked at him and forced a smile, "We have to do this for Shiki's sake." 

"For your Captain's sake?" 

"We just have to..." 

The ball was thrown up into the air and they both jumped for it. Just as Shiki expected, Kobori reached the ball first and he passed it to Kasamatsu. 

"Alright! Let's start by scoring first!" Kasamatsu looked around him to see who he can pass the ball to. 'Three out of five of them doesn't have much height but I can't underestimate them!' 

"Come!" Shiki challenged Kasamatsu and he in return accepted the challenge. Kasamatsu performed his drive and was about to pass her. 

"Senpai!" Kise realized Harumi's slower than him so he was able to slip away from her easily to an open space for a pass. 

Kasamatsu was about to pass but Shiki jabbed the ball out of Kasamatsu's hand in an instant. 

'We purposely lose our marks so you had the option to pass. Once you choose to pass, I will take the ball from you!' Shiki thought.

Shiki took the ball and she easily passed Kobori despite the height difference. She bounced the ball behind her for Harumi who immediately threw it forward before Kise had the chance to mark her. Shiki scored first by throwing a three-pointer. 

'Her reaction is quick!' Kasamatsu couldn't believe how precise and quick Shiki was. 

Shiki looked at Kasamatsu and she smiled at him, "Come at me with all you've got, Captain." 

♥The Shape of Love♥KnB♥Kaijou♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat