Chapter 11

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Name: Adriana Thomas

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 6'0

Orientation: Straight.

Job: Writer/ Traveller.

Father: Thomas

Mother: Eva Thomas (Dead)

Graduated from Yale University with literature major. Throwball team captain for three years.


"You two gotta be kidding me!" I yell at Ambrose and Stephen, they take off their fake grey hairs and beard.

"Don't shout, we were curious." Stephen shrugs like they didn't just spy on me dressed like old men.

I grab his collar and shove him to the wall, Ambrose grabs me from back, "Chill out." He says, I push him away.

"Don't chill me out, have you two seriously lost your minds?" I snap, I turn to Stephen, "This must be your plan." I say, he dips his chin.

"It was funny." He laughs, Ambrose cracks as well, a chuckle slips through my lips as well.

The air gets lighter, my anger subdues. Stephen warps an arm around my shoulder, "She looked like she really likes you." He says, I smile pouring myself a glass of water.

Ambrose sits across the bar and takes the glass I just filled. "He looks equally fallen." He says drinking.

I take another glass, "For your information, I don't want you two interfering in my dating life." I pour water into the glass.

"Oh, the one that has been collecting dust since years?" Stephen picks the class and chugs it, I hit the back of his head and he chokes then coughs.

"Stop stealing my glasses." I take another glass and pour myself water for the third time and actually drink it this time.

"And stop talking about her! I'm not telling you both anything more." I put the bottle back in the fridge and walk out.


The cell door opens, my body jerks back in instinct. I wince due to the pain in my back due to the wip marks.

After Thomas found out that I knew Adrastus is a girl and I was gonna tell her I loved her, that I was gonna make her mine he quickly took action. He basically kidnapped me back here and locked me up in this hellroom.

Days passed, he wants me to give up on her but I'd rather die that do that.

Ah, talk of the devil, he steps into the small cell of the prison, I clench my teeth in anger and determination, the taste of blood dominate my senses.

"What do you have to say today Mr. Pérez?" He's voice deep, growls through the small room.

"I would never stop loving her, whatever you say. As long as I'm alive I'll love-" He kicks my stomach, I cough and spit blood. He squats down so he's face to face with me.

"You are tougher than you show on." He grabs my jaw, "But not enough for my baby girl." He throws my head away. My head falls to my side.

"I'll do anything to prove it to you." I say with blood dripping from the side of my mouth. His sudden laughter fills the room.

He turns serious again, "Are you sure you can do anything?" There's so much power in that question.

At this point, I'm even ready to kill for her, she's worth it. She's worth my everything.

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