25 3 18

Most of the chapter will be of just Sinbad and Jafar conversing over text, then the entire group chat texting

That Monday morning, Sinbad arrived for practice. As usual, he was one of the last players there. Not because he lived far away, no no. He actually lived the closest to the school. He just decided to sleep in a little longer. Coach would lecture him for sure, but at this point Sinbad didn't care. He was going to get to see Jafar again today.

Wait. Why was he thinking of Jafar again? Why was he excited to see him? To talk to him? Shivers went down the quarterbacks back. Was he really...

"Sin!" Kayne wrapped his arm around Sinbad's shoulders, proving the height difference between the two as he had to get on his toes to do so. Sin pushed his off of him.

"Long time no see." He greeted, and Kayne chuckled.

"Don't you have anything better to say after you left all the sudden at the Diner?" Sinbad raised a brow at that. Kayne, catching onto the others confusion, sighed. "Come onnnn! I need details! Was it good?! Did he go onto you first? Anything!" Sinbad blinked.

"We didn't have sex." Those words seemed to end Kayne's whole world. Sin could see the light draining from the others eyes. Although, why?

"You... didn't?" Sinbad nodded, and Kayne took a deep breath. After a few seconds, all the sudden Kayne grabbed both of Sinbad's shoulders, shaking him back and forth. "YOU HAD A CHANCE AND YOU BLEW IT? IT WOULD BE A MIRACLE FOR ME TO GET WITH SOMEONE OF THAT BEAUTY AND YOU JUST BLEW IT?! YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO MEN ALL OVER!" Sinbad let the other cool down before responding.

"Maybe I wasn't meant to be a man then."



After practice, it was time for school. Great. Just great. Although he had great grades, he hated it. He hated the people, the teachers, the everything. The fact that you had to sit down for an hour to listen to a teacher tell you what to do just because they got a damn degree but don't know how to properly teach. The fact that you were forced to talk with people you have no care for and how when it wasn't group work you couldn't speak at all. The fact that you don't get anytime for your own self, and how lunch is barely 30 minutes long. Sigh, he was going on a tangent again.

Sinbad made it through the day, barely. He was tired and wanted to rest, but unfortunately after school he promised Alibaba he'd tutor him. They had even rented out a study room in the study hall for this, he couldn't back down now. Especially when Alibaba's father was one of the richest people in town. If he turned down Ali, his dad might send an assassin after him or something...!


Oh, it was a text from Jafar.

Kitten: Saw you during practice. Looked pretty good out there. How are you feeling?

Puppy: Aw thanks ☺️, I'm doing fine

Kitten: Good, Was worried... sorry I passed out the other day. Heard you met my brother

Puppy: He's cool!

Kitten: Hm, just wait until you meet my other brother.

Puppy: Who's your other brother? How many siblings do you have?

Kitten: Not answering

Puppy: AW COME ON!!
Puppy: I'm curiousss!

Kitten: Curiosity killed the cat

Puppy: 🧍🏽‍♂️
Puppy: you calling me a pussy?

Kitten: I can neither confirm or deny...

Puppy: FAWK.

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