i win

383 18 3

"I win again."

"I demand a-"

"Rematch? You've said that eighteen times already."

"You kept count?"

"Of course I did. This is very important to me."

"It's tic tac toe."

"Yes. And I've won twenty-two times."

"Har har." They said, taking back the notepad and pencil.

They heard him chuckle and they rolled their eyes.

"Why don't we talk about this on a nice walk? Oh, wait." They gestured down to his legs.

"Oh!" The Russian man let out a comical gasp, grasping at his chest. "How could you say such a thing to me?"

They thwacked his arm but soon found themselves laughing too. Soon the silence returned and they could feel their mind wander away.

"Something is on your mind and it is weighing heavy."


"Y/N, I owe you my life, you know that you can talk to me, don't you?"

"I appreciate it Victor, the whole Jinx situation just has me a bit off."

He hummed a reply, watching them closely. "Jayce still has you cooped up?"

"Yes, it fucking sucks."

He chuckled. "It can't possibly be that bad."

"Well other than our 'sessions' there's not much to do."

"What about the library?"

"Too many windows."


"Too many things for me to blow shit up with."


"Yeah." They raised their hands above their head to stretch, hearing their limbs crack and click. "Well I better have my daily walk before I start to fossilise."

"Alright, don't jinx it."

"Too soon, man, too soon."


The enforcers broke into a sprint, following the flashes of blue that seemed to disappear at the next corner. They shouted curses and commands as they raced forward.

Mocking laughter bounced off the walls, a warning for their wasted efforts. Shadows shot past, growing until the darkness overcame them. The group was left standing, in the darkness. One of them, older and louder, probably their commander, yelled out orders to retreat, a sudden realisation hitting. They began back out the alley that somehow had a ceiling. Back towards the light.

But then there was a slam. The slam of a door, a door that blocked off that light. They were trapped.

"You all never learn your lesson, do ya'?"

A quiet ticking rang out. One 0f the enforcers lit up a flare but the ticking only grew louder. They shone it upwards towards the ceiling and two glowing pink eyes peered down at them, along with countless chattering shark bombs.

They all paused, watching in awe before one began to shout a command before they all chomped down, triggering a large grin to spread on the girls face.

An explosion brought the attention of Piltover's attention over the river. The first one was big, a bright light that brought new shadows among the tall buildings. The next one was closer, bigger. The next was too close. The next one brought down the bridge.

The sound of cracking concrete and splashing water filled the ears of every citizen of Piltover
and Zaun alike.

For a while there was silence. Nobody knew what to say, what to do. Then the shock wore off and screams replaced that stillness. Violent and shrill.

Y/N looked out across the city from one of the many windows in the tower, nails digging into their palms. They provoked a beast. It was their fault.

They were out of their depth, they were drowning and the water was rushing in. They couldn't swim to the surface and the only way was to swim further down. Pray to whatever gods were above that no harm would come to the people of Piltover.

And that they would come out of this alive.

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