"Come on let's go". She announced, looking down at him as he was currently sitting on the couch. He looked up at and bit the bottom of his lip.

She was so fine to him. Her curls were growing out giving her twa. They were spurted out giving her chubby face a more defined shaped. Her make up was done to a minimal. The dramatic eyelashes made her eyes pop and the lip gloss made her thick plump lips stand out.

"You look too good man. A nigga won't be able to keep his hands off you". He expressed, standing up and making her stumble back. He wrapped his arms around her, catching her before she fell

He towered over her 5'6 frame. The stilettos made her an inch taller. He licked his lips and looked into her eyes making her have butterflies flutter in her lower stomach. She nervously looked at him and blushed.

"You making me nervous ". She told him.

"How?". He questioned with his brows furrowed.

"You giving me butterflies ". She honestly told.

"Is it a good thing?"  He asked her. She simply nodded her head.

"I just don't wanna go through what I went through with my ex. I know you won't do me like that. I don't wanna go through that again". She uttered.

"I understand babygirl. I want you to trust me as much as I trust you. Do you trust me?". He questioned.

"Yes I do".

"Then I will never let anything happen to you".  He declared, kissing her forehead. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his torso, laying her head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat  beat a little fast than normal.

"I really trust you. I do". She murmured.

"Good, now let's go before we miss our reservation".

"Where we really going?". Áine asked with her face scrunched up.

"It's a surprise".

"Ouu I can't wait". She grinned making him smirk. He helped her into her coat and placed another kiss on her forehead. Áine was really enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin. They were soft.

The couple strolled out the apartment heading towards the elevator. Áine pulled out her sanitizer and spritz some on her hand and on Amaru's hand.

"How did that phobia come about ?". He inquired.

"After the death of my baby". She responded.

"Like the blood or from something else?".

"Yeah, you can say that". She shrugged. She really didn't know what the root of the problem was but she just didn't like dirt on her hands. And luckily enough sanitizer was just the right cure to keep her from going insane.

The elevator dinged, leading them to the parking lot. He intertwined her fingers with his, leading them to the car. He opened the door for her as she silently thanked him. He made sure the door was secure before moving to his side of the car.


"Are we the only ones here?". Áine questioned, looking inside the empty reception.

"No, there are other people up here. Come on". He told her, leading her to the elevator.

"Hmm I wonder where you taking me". She muttered.

"You gonna love it. And the fact that we both experiencing it for the first time is a plus". The elevator dinged and they stepped out.

There was soft rhythm and blues playing around the large room. Áine gasped, seeing the art plastered against the wall. As they strutted farther into the room, there were more art pieces and sculptures around the room

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