Chapter 22

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Monday came a lot sooner than Celus had hoped. This pack has been his home his entire life, and guilt filled him. He didn't want them to think he was ditching them.
Salen was very helpful for everyone as they prepared to say goodbye. She made sure everything was in order before they left, even setting up ways for Safiya to contact Brady and come visit while they are gone. Safiya has been bawling her eyes out, but she was supportive of her mate. She knew this was a big opportunity for him, and she wasn't going to be the one to stand in the way of that.
"Are you okay?" Brady asked, emerging from his room with a bright blue suitcase in his hand. He smiled wide, but an empty feeling was already starting to form in his stomach at the thought of being separated from his mate for so long.
"I'm fine. I'm just thinking." Celus grumbled, taking one last look around the pack house with dread.
"It's going to be okay. Your pack will be fine." He patted him on the shoulder then descended the stairs two at a time. Celus knew he was right; he was leaving his third in command in charge, and he was a natural leader.
Salen was waiting for them by the front door with their bags resting next to the door. She gave them both a heart warming smile and ran up to Celus, wrapping her arms around his waste and burying her face in his chest. He instantly reacted by pulling her tighter into his body as he breathed in her intoxicating scent.
"You ready?" She mumbled, her voice vibrating his chest. He just nodded, resting his chin on the top of her head. "There's a car waiting outside for us." She pulled away, looking up at his face and giving him a concerned look.
"Okay." He sighed. He dropped his arms and walked over, taking their luggage and heading outside with Salen close behind.
Brady was already outside chatting up the driver. He gave them a smile before continuing with their conversation about anything that came to his mind to make the time go by faster.
Celus opened the trunk and piled their bags on top of Brady's suitcase. He slammed the door shut before making his way around the car and sliding into the back seat next to Salen.
She let out a tired sigh and rested her head on his shoulder, letting sleep consume her.
The drive took hours. Brady fell asleep against his window soon after they left. Celus couldn't sleep; his mind was racing about his new responsibilities and the home he left behind.
Mandry was emotional the day they told her they were leaving. She was supportive but was going to miss them. She insisted they call her every day to update them, and Celus hadno choice but to agree.
He talked to Alpha Landrews one more time before they left, who said everything was ready for their arrival. He was excited to teach Celus everything he knows, and he could help him really tap into his strength.
After a long while, the car pulled up to a large iron gate. There were vines woven between the bars giving it a mystical appearance. A speaker asked for their business and the driver told him they were here to stay. After a few moments of silence, a loud creak echoed through the woods until the gates slowly opened to reveal a long winding driveway.
At the end was a large stone castle, about the size of four of their pack houses put together. Giant stone pillars accented the main entrance and held up a balcony that wrapped around the front of the main structure.
Vines took over the stone walls just like the gate and made the castle look vintage. The front garden that brightened the foyer was filled with members of the royal pack; all of them were dressed in fancy clothing and walked with a strong posture and lifted noses.
"Really?" Celus growled, already not liking the aura there. Salen sat up, rubbing her eyes to try and get rid of the tired feeling that was overwhelming her.
Alpha Landrews threw the front door open, a large smile was plastered to his face as he rushed down the stairs and towards his guests.
"I'm so glad you decided to come." He threw his arms around Salen and offered a friendly handshake to the guys. Brady was willing to take it, bowing his head as he did so in respect. Celus looked him over hesitantly for a second before taking it in a firm shake and keeping a blank expression. "Follow me. I will show you to your rooms." He spun around on his heel, giving his members friendly nods as he passed. They all bowed in respect before continuing with what they were doing.
Landrews led them through the main hall that held a double spiral staircase and light grey marble floors. The railing on the staircases matched the floor and the accents on the ceiling.
"Celus, your room along with Salen's will be the first door on the left." He gestured down the first hallway that seemed to continue on forever. "Brady, yours will be across the hall." He pointed to a similar door before clasping his hands together. "If you need anything, just let me know. Your maid Sandy will be up shortly to introduce herself and help you with anything." Brady thanked him with a friendly smile and Celus just continued to look around him, taking in the decor and interactions between the people. "I will let you settle in, and Wednesday we will start training."
Landrews gave them all a grin before turning and descending the stairs. He turned to the right and opened a large door that matched the front and walked into what looked like a dining room. He pushed the door closed behind him and left them in the hallway alone.
"Okay, I'm going to unpack. How about we meet back here in an hour and go sight seeing?" Brady gushed, his excitement lighting up his face. He was so appreciative to be here and was ready to see all the amazing things the royal land had to offer.
"Okay." Salen grabbed one of the bags before Celus could protest and walked towards their assigned room. She turned the door knob and pushed it open, immediately admiring the victorian decor of the room. There was a king sized bed with a built-in canopy overtop on the main wall. It was black wood and had royal purple sheets and matching comforter. A black matching dresser was on the center of the right wall with a large oval mirror resting on top.
A light grey area rug laid across most of the floor, covering the almost white wooden floor. Two matching doors on the left caught her curiosity. She dropped her bag by the door and wandered over, pushing them both open. The one on the left was a large walk-in closet that could fit both of their belongings. The one on the right was a matching bathroom with the same white wooden floors and black framed mirror that hung on the wall over the black countertop and floating glass sink.
Although this wasn't their home yet, Salen knew she could make it comfortable for the both of them. The room was the complete opposite of the one back in Celus' pack, but it was going to be a good change for them.
Celus dragged his feet as he followed Salen inside. He took no time to drop his bag with a thud onto the floor by the bed and sitting with a huff at the edge.
"You okay?" Salen asked, walking cautiously towards him and sitting softly. He grumbled something under his breath, just low enough so she couldn't hear. "What?" She asked again. He lifted his head and looked at her with an exhausted expression.
"I'm just afraid I made the wrong decision." He sighed. Salen frowned and moved closer to him.
"Why would say that? You're doing this to benefit everyone. It's who you're meant to be." He just nodded, leaning down and resting his head into her lap. She began playing with his hair until a low purr rumbled through his chest.
After an hour of sitting in the same position, a knock rang at the door. "Come in!" Salen shouted, still running her fingers over his head.
Brady popped in with a bright smile, wiggling his eyebrows at their position. "You ready?"

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