| KinKuniKage - everyone was in the wrong || Haikyuu!! |

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So, I was thinking of Kageyama the other day as one casually does, but something people probably don't know about me is I'm a big Seijoh/AJ fan, so from Kageyama I started thinking of Kindaichi and Kunimi and then I remembered these panels from the manga

So, I was thinking of Kageyama the other day as one casually does, but something people probably don't know about me is I'm a big Seijoh/AJ fan, so from Kageyama I started thinking of Kindaichi and Kunimi and then I remembered these panels from th...

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And I spiraled into my weekly analysing of Kitagawa Daichi boys and when I looked at the internet I realized how much opinions differ on this topic, because the two most popular opinions one the KD first years are: "Kageyama is innocent, Kindaichi...

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And I spiraled into my weekly analysing of Kitagawa Daichi boys and when I looked at the internet I realized how much opinions differ on this topic, because the two most popular opinions one the KD first years are: "Kageyama is innocent, Kindaichi and Kunimi were in the wrong" (most popular opinion) or "Kindaichi and Kunimi had all right to do what they did, it was Kageyama's fault" and as much as I understand both statements they're objectively wrong and right considering the canon of the manga.

Kageyama was very much toxic at the time and he was overbearing with his team, but he was also going through the very though loss of his grandfather, who most likely the most active parental figure he and Miwa had. He didn't have a stable support system and his communication skills weren't all that great, meaning he couldn't communicate his feelings and struggles properly, so he turned to volleyball as an escape mechanism, but volleyball isn't just a one person game, it requires a team and the team Tobio has saw volleyball as just a hobby so they couldn't dedicate the time he did to it, which lead to his controlling and overbearing behaviour.

On the other hand we have Kindaichi and Kunimi who I'll put as representatives of the KD team (- Kags), since we know the most about them during and after TKOTCI (the kind of the court incident) and since they were most likely pretty close with Kageyama at least during his starting MS years. Kindaichi and Kunimi seem to be much more focused on other things other than volleyball, supposedly their studies as in high school they're two (Kindaichi)/three (Kunimi) class numbers above Kageyama*. Considering that grouped with Kageyama's expectations on them and the lack of  communication between the three we can assume that feelings of resentment quickly appeared. Even though their actions are fully justified that doesn't mean they should be excused as they too never reached out to Kageyama or at least it isn't stated that they did.

In conclusion both Kageyama, Kindaichi and Kunimi were in the wrong during middleschool because of the pure lack of communication between the three parties, but they've apologized and are moving towards bettering themselves and their relationship.

As much as I'd like to end this on that positive note, I actually do have an answer to who's to blame: the coaches. I'll let you debate in the comments :)

* In haikyuu!! the way class arrangements work as far as I've seen is the higher the number the harder it is/the smarter (academically) you have to be to get in - Kageyama is class 1-3; Kidaichi is 1-5 and Kunimi is 1-6  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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