Chapter one

120 3 23

Word count: 3.5k

Y/n Bloom, an average girl, someone who never thought of herself as special. That was until she found out a family secret, one that she didn't think would affect her at all. Big mistake thinking like that y/n.
It was something that happened so suddenly for her, something she thought was just in movies and tv shows, not of the 'real world'. How simple minded of y/n. Y/n grew up just like any other kid her age, running around parks and beaches, getting into late night shenanigans when she turned 14, doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing, dating boys, and spending money on daddy's credit card. More like she grew up like the rich kids do in a pretty suburb in Florida.
Moving didn't seem like it would phase y/n, until she found out it was across the Atlantic ocean. Who moves their kid against their will to a whole different country?
After days and day and maybe even months of fighting that brought us here, y/n finally leaving to go to this mysterious school her parents went to when they were younger, a school where they fell in love.


"Are you serious mom? What about my friends? What about my life?" Y/n complained throwing her hands in the air, they had been in a screaming match for the past couple of months, arguing everyday as soon as y/n got up until she went to bed. Nothing but snarky comments and rude remarks. Something her parents didn't appreciate, but understood due to the situation.
"You will make new friends, and these powers you have are your life now, hun. I'm sorry" y/ns mom sympathized with her, she remembered what it was like to be told she was a witch when she was 11 years old. The only difference is y/n is 16 years old and not 11. They had known for the past 5 years though.
Here y/n is, hating life.
You see, y/ns parents had failed to tell her they were both wizards until she was eleven years old, right after the first altercation of y/ns magic showing up. Choosing to ignore it until a few more situations happened

At the time y/n lived in America, It was quite fun to have an American accent, but parents with English accents. The look on peoples faces was always funny, y/n always got a kick out of it, often trying to have an accent like them.
Turns out, there are magical schools around the world for people- more like freaks like y/n (as she saw it).
Y/ns parents tried for years to get her into the North American school, but you have to be born in the country you go to school in.
So after 4 years of her parents begging for them to accept y/n there, she was never accepted into that school, A brutal rule of you ask y/n.

So here they are back in london, where its always cold and damp, unlike florida, where y/n grew up. Y/n already missed her old life, not even a proper goodbye to her friends. She had to kiss that old life goodbye as this was her new life. 
Today is y/ns first day at Hogwarts, what an ugly name y/n said everytime her parents spoke of it.
Y/n could see why her parents really didn't want her to go there. She was just gonna stick out like a sore thumb... American... The first to go to Hogwarts. And god she was scared put of her mind, not necessarily scared of not having any friends or anything as y/n was naturally a social butterfly, but she was scared to be going to this school 5 years too late.

"What do you mean I can't even take my phone? They don't have wifi?" Y/n whined at her mom, truly not understanding why she couldn't have her phone.
"No, that's a strict rule" she had sighed, holding her hand out for the small phone which y/n handed over dramatically.
Y/n could tell how tired she was from all her questions and comments. How could y/n not be frustrated with how this year was going, she had a right to be mad, being forced against her will to go to an out of country school where she was undoubtedly going to be judged for being behind everyone.
"I'm sorry, I just" pausing to take a deep breath, trying to gather her words.
"I don't get why I have to go to this school. It's not fair to me" y/n 100% believed it wasn't fair to her.
"Y/!, if you were normal, it would be different. But you're not. You need to learn this power inside you, and control it. That's why you have to go, you are one of the most powerful I've ever seen, they will teach you well" it was true, y/n was very powerful, not having full control of the powers she possessed.
We will come back to how powerful she really is at a later date.
"I guess, I just wish I didn't have to" y/n shrugged finally caving as she was literally standing on the platform to take the train to that awfully named school.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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