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My friend and I were just having dinner at a cafe in the mall. The desired dessert was brought to us some time ago. I ordered myself quite a bit, it's just delicious honey and warm tea (because the Author is not feeling well and his whole family is also sick). My friend, unlike me, ordered two balls of ice cream for herself. She was really happy that she could eat these beautiful ice cream balls, which even at a glance could make you salivate and a little cold all over your body.

It seemed to me that she was eating this ice cream for me, too. Every time she swallowed a spoonful of ice cream, I seemed to feel that ice cream too. But, unfortunately, this is just a fantasy, not reality. Maybe I should have ordered ice cream too?

"Haruka-chan, would you like some ice cream?"?

My friend held out her spoon with ice cream in my direction, offering me such an exotic delicacy. It was a green pistachio ice cream with an admixture of chocolate. At first, I really wanted to give up and show my good side, but when this ice cream was already so close to me, I just couldn't resist.

I ate this ice cream as if I were a shark that was clinging to its prey. But still, it was just a spoon, and I wasn't a shark. Although if I were a shark, I would probably become a tiger shark. I don't know why, I just feel like that kind of shark. You could call it a sense of intuition.

"Hehe, Haruka-chan, you're just like a child.

– Which of the two of us is more like a child, Airi??

Am I still a child? In fact, she behaves like a child all the time, and it's like I'm playing the role of her mom. Overall, I really was like a mom to this group, but something happened to all of us.

At first Kiyopon became different and because of him, my friend, who is now sitting across from me and sharing ice cream with me, could be expelled from school. Thank God, everything went well. But after this incident, Keisei stopped communicating with us and severed any ties with each member of the group. More recently, even Mi... That is, even Akito said that he could no longer be in our group. When I asked him about the reasons, he just looked at me with pity and left. In general, now there are only three of us in our group. Surprisingly, Airi wasn't mad at Kiyopon at all, although I was very angry, but it's been a few months since that incident, so I think everything is fine.

- Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

While my friend was trying to justify her words, I looked at the screen of my phone, which lit up for the reason that I received a message. It was a text message from Kiyopon, he wanted to meet now in his room. Very strange.

Moreover, he wrote it to me in private messages, and not in the general chat of the group, that is, he wants to meet with me. Interestingly, I think I should tell Airi about this.

Just by the way, she still thinks she can win his heart one day. Moreover, these thoughts are reinforced by the fact that he broke off his relationship with his girlfriend a month ago. Karuizawa-san still comes to school with red eyes from tears and sleeps in class because she can't sleep at night.

"I'm here with Airi, is it okay if she comes too?"

In less than two seconds, he immediately wrote an answer.

"Of course, come."

It was quick, and he agreed. Well, then it remains only to tell her everything. I looked at Airi and saw how she was finishing the leftover ice cream. It's not fair! I also wanted to eat, because my honey and tea have already run out!

- Airi, Kiyopon wants to meet us... in his room...

- OH???

After my words, she covered her mouth with her hands, and the spoon slipped out of her hands and fell on the saucer where the ice cream was earlier.

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