Eight| I Care About You

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Word count:4512

You were greeted by a dark room as Jungkook opened the door to his home. He held it open as you entered. It felt like a show house, one that you would see when someone was trying to sale you a home.

He flipped a switch that turned on a few lamps instead of the large overhead light on the ceiling of the living space. You observed the furniture now that you had the light. The couch was a large white sectional that looked barely sat on. It didn't look like a family's  living space. You blinked rapidly trying to take in the space. Everything looked untouched.

"Myra cleaned earlier today so everything is clean if you want to sit down."

He remarked. He was already walking out of the room towards a hallway. You did as he said and sat at the end of the sectional closest to the door. A large fire place was sat in front of the room with a flat screen TV hanging over it. The remotes to the tv and speakers neatly laid out across the glass coffee table in front of the couch. The floor was a dark wood with a big white rug with a few patterns covering most of it. You had already removed your shoes at the door so you were left with your white socks you had paired with your black oxfords.

"I got you water."

You blinked a little confused as he walked out with a glass of water in his hand. A bit thrown off by the politeness but also confused on why you would need water, were you going to be staying here long?

"Oh thank you."

You stood up from your spot and met him halfway. Your were lacking the platform of your shoes so now standing in front of him was even more intimidating.

"Did you get shorter while I was gone?"

He questioned you. A teasing smile on his face. You reached for the glass and your fingers ghosted over his tattooed ones.

"My shoes always make me taller, I like platforms."

You explained, you gripped the cup both of your hands and looked down at the water in it.

"Hm, yeah I noticed."

He said whilst turning away once again and walking towards the hallway. You chewed on your lip thinking. He didn't tell you not to follow him or to sit down this time. So you did just that. You followed right behind him.

He knew you were behind him. He figured that maybe you were nervous to sit in a big house alone. Your true intentions were to investigate and try to see his house as much as possible. You wanted to see a family photo or a picture of him when he was young. You wanted to see how everything else was decorated or how his room looked. You blushed a bit just thinking about being in his room.

He stopped in front of a white door in the long hallway. You paused behind him whilst he opened the door. You stopped all movements when you realized it was a bathroom.

"Oh um I'll go back to the living room."

You pointed whilst turning. Jungkook only chuckled whilst grabbing onto your wrist. You were stopped, the feeling of his large hand on your wrist made your heart thump. You turned back around whilst he pulled you into the room.


He spun you to where you were standing dangerously close to him.


Was all he said. You nodded and did so, his hands catching your hips and sitting you on the counter. Your chest was tight and heaving.

"Now be good and just sit there while I clean my face okay?"

B R U T A L | bad boy!Jk x soft fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now