Two| I Adore You

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Word count:2283

"(Y/n) you're not eating."

Emma said to you, she watched as you pushed your salad around your plate with your fork for fifteen minutes now.

"I'm not hungry."

You shrugged. Your mind was anywhere but lunch right now. It was mainly focused on this morning. You thought about the boy you had met and made a deal with, that guy Mark's strange words to you.

"Is it about this morning?"

Ashley leaned towards you. You narrowed your eyes at her.

"How did you know about this morning? What do you know about this morning?"

"Well everyone is talking about Jungkook, the very scary hot senior, wanting the beat the shit out of some guy for just talking to you. Someone in your first period took a video."

You grimaced. The last thing you wanted was everyone to know you and Jungkook had any communication at all. You sighed whilst closing your salad box and taking it the the trash.

Why must everyone know? Does this mean I can't talk to him anymore? Will he be upset that people know that we have a deal, people seem to be looking at it in another light. Is this going to contribute to what Mark said about once 'he's shown his sights' on me.

Your rambling thoughts were interrupted when you face made contact with something. Did I really just run into the wall? You looked up and you had not ran into the wall, you ran into a person. A specific person. Someone you were trying to avoid right now.

"What's wrong?"

His deep voice made you shake just a bit.

"Nothing Jungkook I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

You looked down towards the salad box you were holding in your hand. You were nervous around him. How were you supposed to act? Was he expecting you to just be normal?

"It's just this morning I."

You cut yourself off when you heard some whispers behind you.

"See he's talking to her right now."

"Wow (Y/n), really? I'd never imagine she'd be with someone like him."

"He's probably just using her."

You cringed at the words being spoken about you and Jungkook. He didn't seem fazed by that.

"I actually have to go."

You threw your salad container away and rushed out of the lunch room, not even taking a second to look back at your friends or Jungkook.

You didn't like it. You felt like everyone's eyes were on you. Like they all think you're something you're not. You hadn't even kissed anyone before, so having a weird sex only relationship with Jungkook was far from being possible. Not impossible though.


The last class of the day. Your first day had been an eventful one. The announcement were about to come on to announce the end of the day. There was also talk of already announcing the homecoming court even though everyone had just voted on it today.

"Good afternoon students and staff. I hope your first day has gone well."

They just continued to announce things for the new incoming freshmen.

"Now for our homecoming court for our first home game next Friday."

You began to put things in your bag. Emma was showing you a picture of a dog on her phone trying to cheer you up.

B R U T A L | bad boy!Jk x soft fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now