Seven| Ill Never Lose

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You sat up with a groan. Dried drool on your face. You looked around your room to see your sister cuddled up beside you and your friends scattered sleeping across your room floor.

"Ah that hurts."

You mumbled out when your looked up to fast. The pounding of your head was definitely to blame on last night. You knew you were drinking too much even then, but you couldn't help it. You just wanted to have some type of fun, and you think maybe you did? You don't remember much, all you could remember was Jungkook's tattooed hands handing you a small red rose. Oh and you hugged him. Wait, you hugged him.

"Oh my god I hugged Jungkook."

You said out loud. Your heart was racing at this point. You were sober and fully ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him. You let out a shaky sigh.

"Yeah we know, why not just get married or something already."

Emily mumbled out. You looked over to her direction where she was laying on the floor with her arm over her face. She knows? You blinked with a confused look plastered on your face.


Your mother's voice interrupted all thoughts of last night and Jungkook, it's breakfast time.


"So you two just talked in there?"

You questioned Andy whilst shoving some food into your mouth. She nodded in response.

"Yeah he um told me he thought I was beautiful."

Her voice was quiet and shy. But a blush was playing on her cheeks. Everyone at the table let out giggles and happy little cheers.

"How sweet, do you have his number to text him?"

Emily asked. Andy shook her head no whilst looking down at the table shyly. You couldn't help the smile creeping onto your face when you saw how happy she looked. Taehyung seemed nice, even though he was involved with not so great people. All that mattered was that Andy was happy, right?

"What are your plans today (Y/n)?"

Your older sister piped up whilst standing to go rinse off her dish. You hummed whilst trying to remember that there was something you were going to do. You froze when it finally came to mind. The "show" with Ainsley. She didn't give you many details nor were you too sure what at all you were walking into but the curiosity in your mind was always taking over the critical thinking part.

"Oh I just was going to go get some coffee with a friend later."

You mumbled out, pushing some food around on your plate. You didn't want to tell anyone about your weird evening planned with Ainsley because you're not too sure how well it would go over with other people. Jessica would probably say you can't go because that sounds weird, and it did, the entire thing sounded very strange. It might just be a ploy to murder you, but if there even the slightest chance that you can figure out her connection and what she knows about Jungkook you were willing to risk it. Plus you were bringing pepper spray so hopefully you didn't have to use it.

"Oh really what friend, Jungkook?"

Ashley teased, you just froze. You weren't too sure why she would tease about that. You thought you were keeping it hid well that you liked him, or maybe kinda liked him. You were still trying to figure that out. All you knew is you felt safe and comfortable around him.

You cleared your throat awkwardly.

"No, It's just a friend from school. No big deal."

You shrugged whilst standing up and walking over to the sink where your sister was already suspiciously eyeing you.

B R U T A L | bad boy!Jk x soft fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now