She just jumped up and down , grabbing his hand, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Ok ok," pulling her along, "You're making a scene,"

She couldn't stop smiling, hoping and praying her dad will understand why she wanted to go.


"Absolutely not Edgar!" yelled out their father, slamming his hand down on his desk.

Edgar stood on the other side of the desk, their mother sitting down next to father, "Aurora might hear you sweet heart," she began.

"I said no," he said strictly, "She will not be leaving to the other side of the country alone!"

"I will be there father," Edgar insisted, "She really wants to go,"

Their mother smiled softly, "she wants to see the world, doesn't that sound familiar Fredrick?" eyeing at him.

"Your not helping the situation Rose," glaring at her, "we talking about our young daughter going across state!"

She looks at Edgar, "Will you give me and your father minute please?"

He nodded, leaving the office.

"My love," gently taking his hand, "She wont be young forever," she said soothing, "Our Aurora is growing up, and has so little experience with the world she lives in. Barely knows what her own kind is,"

His body began to calm down by his wife's touch, "Rose," looking at her hard, "She can't just jump to a huge city having little experience,"

"She will have Edgar, he's just as protective with her as you are," she smiled, "What if she suddenly meets her mate without knowing what that even is, my dear?"

He just lets out a low growl in his chest.

"It will happen," motioning her thumb on his hand, "We need to let her get out there, allow her to know what our kind is like," gently taking his face in her hands, "Who we truly are,"

Fredrick lets out a deep sigh closing his eye, "I just want to protect her, from all that happened..."

"And your doing well," she nodded, "You can't blame yourself for the past. She's still here, shes still with us. We can't keep her in the dark forever, my love. Its time for us to let her blossom,"

There was a long quiet pause, she just waited for his answer.

Finally he spoke, "Ok, she can go," he said, opening his eyes.

She smiled at her husband and softly kissed him.


Aurora coudn't stop moving as they were in the car. Anxious to be able to be in actual city.

Once her parents informed her that she could go, she couldn't stop hugging her dad. Cause she knew how hard it must of been for him to say yes on her going. But they wanted to make it clear to sleep on her regular curfew, don't talk to people she doesn't know, and to call them every night before she goes to bed. Also to mind her bother, to not give him a hard time.

Edgar just playfully rolled his eyes at her, "Sit still, we aren't even on the plane yet,"

Their mom smirked, "She has every right to be excited," looking at them threw the review mirror.

Aurora smiled smugly at Edgar, making him covering her whole face with his hand.

"Keep your paws to yourself!" she snapped, pushing his hand from her face.

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