* On the Battlefield

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Tails turned toward her. He hadn't realized how quick of a pace they were keeping. In order to help conserve energy, he slowed down a bit to a slight jog. It also made speaking easier. "We need to get you to a Resistance base. They've set up a camp for survivors. We just have to get there without attracting any attention." He stated as they ran past a busted fire hydrant.

The city was certainly a mess. Pathways were torn up, buildings were falling apart, and even fires were beginning to rise up. The air was beginning to look a little smokey from all of the burning buildings.

As Blossom viewed the city, her eyes came across something. "Oh no. It's another one of those robots!" She exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the dangerous machine.

Tails followed her gaze and began to veer away from it. "It's fine. Just don't attract any attention." He replied.

The two were about to move behind some buildings. Blossom watched the robot with a careful eye. It's red gaze turned towards her and the pink cat let out a slight gasp. Her eyes began to go wide as the robot fired a plethora of lasers. "It's shooting at us!"

"What?!" Tails exclaimed. He looked back at the robot. "That's going to be an issue. Hang on! We just need to make it behind those buildings!" Up ahead was a city block. It might not be much protection, but it would be better than getting hit out in the open.

The twin-tailed fox tried to move even faster. It would help if his tails could move, but no matter what he tried, they just wouldn't budge. Apparently the impact of part of a building falling on them injured caused more injury than he thought. With the lasers inching ever closer though, it was no time for thinking.

Right when they reached cover, Tails dove both himself and Blossom to the side. The lasers flew past them and collided with a building in front. It seemed as though the crisis was averted.

"I think we're safe." Tails peered back towards where they were. No sign of their attacker. "Come on, let's- ow!" He tried to stand up but ended up collapsing into the ground, holding his injured leg.

"You're hurt!" Blossom exclaimed as it became very clear that one of the shots had hit Tails. There was a nasty scrape on the side of his leg, oozing with blood from the impact.

Tails bit his lip and grabbed onto the wall for support. "No, I'm fine! Let's-"

Blossom shook her head and grabbed his shoulders to push him down. "Oh no you don't mister! That has to be treated!" The pink cat reached over towards her white purse which was now muddied in a dark brown. Oh right, mud. That would have to be cleaned off later. She flipped open the purse and shifted her arm around. "Now, where did I...found it!" After rummaging a bit, she lifted her hand up, revealing a roll of bandages along with a small container of petroleum jelly. "Now, hold still!"

The pink grabbed out some gauze and wet it with a small, unopened water bottle. She gently rubbed it on the wound before scooping some of the petroleum jelly onto the bandage and wrapping it around Tails' leg.

Tails watched in amazement as the cat calmly fixed up the wound. "Wow, you're really good at this." He marveled.

Blossom seemed taken aback, giving him a confused look. "I guess I've always had a knack for these types of things! I've always tried to help anyone who's been injured. I have...um...gotten myself a few scrapes and bruises myself. It's why I always have this thing on me 24/7." She tapped her purse.

Once the cat was done, the fox stood up a little and looked at her handy work. His leg still twinged with pain, but at least he could walk now. "Well, I'm glad you do!" He paused for a moment, realizing the different ways she could interpret what he had just say. "I-I mean the bandage part! Not the getting hurt part! That doesn't sound too fun."

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