𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 17: Black hair curse

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The first quitch game, which was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, Willow watched from the stands with Aurora. Willow had Charlotte's scarf wrapped around her. She had to support her friend's, that was the kinda of friend she was.

"On my whistle," said Madam Hooch. "Three... two... one..."

Willow cheered along with the crowd as the players rose higher and higher in the autumn afternoon sky.

Slytherin had the quaffale first. The ball was thrown to Charlotte. She zig zagged around the Gryffindor then threw the ball in the hoop. Willow got excited and started jumping up and down.

"Ten point's Slytherin!" Lee's voice was heard through the speakers. Gryffindor had the ball and tried to shoot in the hoop but the Slytherin's kept blocking it.

Charlotte glided through the air. She closed in on Angelina Johnson, who had the quaffle. She whipped around her and stole the quaffle and zoomed off towards the hoop. She throw the ball towards the hoop but it was block by the Gryffindor keeper.

  Marcus Flint got the quaffle and speed off towards the hoop dodging Gryffindor players.
"Hey, Flit i'm open!" Charlotte yelled as she watched for him to throw her the quaffle. When he didn't Charlotte glared him down. Katie Bell ran into him snatching the Quaffle from him.

Charlotte flew over to Flint and said "can't you just pass me the damn quaffle, we're a team remember?!" then she zoomed off towards the quaffle as Angelina was getting ready to score.  Charlotte grabbed the ball and took it to the other end and scored.

  "Goal by Charlotte Roseland Harrison!" Willow cheered for her best friend.

   Willow took her eyes off Charlotte when she saw Fred and George trying to get the Bludger from going towards Harry, but it went towards him anyway, hitting Harry in the arm. That had to hurt Willow thought.
He came crashing towards the ground. Willow watched as Harry fell to the ground. People in the stands started rushing towards the field.

Willow followed the crowd down the stairs keeping her eyes peeled for Charlotte. She found her talking to one of her brothers Edwin, a seventh year, who is going professional for the Banchory Bangers after he graduates.

"He doesn't pass the quaffle to me when I am clearly open, it so frustrating." Charlotte rages as Willow approached.

"Yes, I know. Draco just mocks Potter instead of getting the snitch like he's supposed do, I had to talk to him four times to stop." Edwin was one of the best Keeper's Slytherin ever had. Edwin wispered to his sister before heading off to Eve Rosemarie, who Willow had learned was Edwin's soulmate.

  "Hi, Char you played sooooo good!" Willow said, emphasizing the 'so' as she gave her friend a big hug.


On Monday morning, Willow had a free period so she searched the halls yet again for Fred and George. She spotted them down a corridor walking towards the Gryffindor common room. Willow darted after them. She made a good way before she made the conclusion they were too fast.

"Oi, Fred, George wait!" She called through the corridor. They stopped in their tracks and turned their head to Willow.

"Hello, there little Willow." Fred said, looking down at the second year girl.

"Well hello, now can you please tell me why you dyed my hair black!" Willow said rather aggressively

    "Why do you think we did it?" George asked.

      "Because a certain Gryffindor named Aurora told me." Willow said crossing her arms over her chest.

"You better fix my hair Weasley." she said.

    "Can't do that, don't know the reverse spell." Fred said. Willow was getting frustrated at this point, she just wanted her hair back. The redheaded twins continued down the corridor, leaving Willow to wonder how to fix her hair.

She decided she would go to the library and look for a counter curse. She looked for a awhile but wouldn't find anything that would work. She searched the shelf's for a book. She was about to grab a book of magical herbs.

  "Hello, Willow." Willow turned around to Hermione Granger.

    "Hi, Hermione." Willow said giving her a little wave. Hermione was holding a book of potions to her chest. Willow noticed a book mark hang out of the book.

     "I think I may know how to get your hair back to normal." Hermione said rocking back and forth on her heels.

      "Really!?" Willow asked.

       "Yes, and pretty easy, and if you want I can try and fix it." Hermione said.

       "Yes please!" Willow said. She was ready to have her blonde hair back. Hermione led the two to a table away from the other students in the library. Hermione spread out the book on the table and skimmed through it looking for the right page. She passed the page with the book mark, but it was slow enough for Willow to notice a poliyjucy potions. Willow wondered what said potion did.

    "I am pretty sure this is what Fred and George used to dye your hair." Hermione said. She seemed to be rereading it in her head.

   "Here we go, the way to get rid of the coloring is to to mix rose water, cinnamon, daisy, and belladonna. Then run it on the ends of your hair." Hermione said pushing the book over to Willow for her to read.

     "Thanks Hermione, now I can get rid of the black hair curse." Willow said.

      "Yep, I just need to fetch the ingredients, I can work on the solution, do you think you can meet me in the girls lavatory in a week or so and we can fix your hair."

       "Sure, thank you so much Hermione!" Willow said then waved at Hermione and left the library and started heading towards her next class which was transfiguration. The class was starting in about five minutes so not many students were there. She took her normal seat towards the front of the room.

     Charlotte and Draco came in soon after and took their seats. Willow grabbed her notebook out of her bag. Charlotte and Draco were talking about the next quitch game they would have in a month, they would play the Hufflepuff team. Willow had her first game on Saturday. She was very excited.

    Class soon began when Professor McGonagall started teaching on how to turn a rat into a mug. Willow was writing notes down so she would remember it for later. Willow was more than overjoyed when her rat finally turend into a mug after what felt like 500 tries.

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