Part 49 ~ Insatiable

Start from the beginning

"Ah, if I could just find my keys" Stilinski sighs as Faith, Scott and Stiles walk up to the door.

"In your coffee cup" Stiles says making Stilinski turn to look at them, "You always drop them in your empty cup" he adds, Stilinski then looks at Scott and Faith making them nod, Stilinski then immediately runs to his son and embraces him tightly, "Hey, Dad"

Scott walks over to Stilinski's desk as Faith leans against the door, "Is it over?" Stilinski asks as he pulls away from his son and watches Scott takes the keys out of the coffee mug.

"Not yet" the twins say in unison.


Sheriff Stilinski comes back into the room after the kids told him about Lydia and he left to do some police work, "We got an APB out on Lydia's car. Every unit on the road is looking for her" he tells them mostly looking at Faith as the girl paces.

"Isn't there anything else that we could do?" Scott asks as he sees his sister still pacing.

"At this hour? No, not really" Stilinski replies.

"He took her for a reason, Mr Stilinski. If we can figure out the why then we'll figure out the where" Faith explains as she finally stops pacing.

"Okay. What would a Nogitsune need with a Banshee?" Stilinski asks.

"I don't know, Lydia and Faith are pretty good at finding dead bodies." Stiles explains.

"Maybe he needs to find a body?" Faith suggests.

"Scott, you know more about this than all of us." Stilinski says looking at the boy

"Me?" Scott asks.

"You said you got the whole story from Noshiko?" Stilinski replies.

"Yeah, but that happened during World War II. Like 70 years ago" Scott says.

"Wait. What did you say?" Stiles asks.

"Noshiko told me about the internment camp..." Scott starts

"No, before that" Stiles interrupts, "You said, the whole story" he says looking at his father and Faith then remembers what that girl said in Eichen House.

"Yeah. What is it?" Scott asks.

"There's a girl at Eichen House." Faith replies.

"He name's Meredith." Stiles adds.

"I think she might be able to help" Faith says.

Stilinski nods as he leaves the room to talk to Deputy Parrish, before coming back and waiting for Parrish to give them some news, a couple of minutes later Parrish comes into the room, "Sheriff, Meredith Walker."

"She still there?" Stilinski asks.

"Yeah, but they moved her to the Closed Unit." Parrish replies.

"Why?" Stiles and Faith ask.

"They said behavioural issues" Parrish responds.

"What issues?" Faith asks.

"She wouldn't stop screaming" Parrish says.


Faith is sitting in her dining room with her head in her hands while Stiles is sleeping on the couch, when she hears him gasp and jump up making her run over to him, "Hey! Hey, you okay?" Faith says as she holds him still.

"What happened? How long was I out?" Stiles asks.

"Just a couple of hours. You should sit down." Faith replies as Scott comes into the room.

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