Chapter 3 Part 1

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A Few Days Later...

The entire group stayed together at Ken's place. Levi and Evelyn helped clean up the place, having come over while Ken and Bee were in the back room with Spark's body. Mako was there consoling Shya, who was still in disbelief about Michael.

In the backroom, Bee hovered her hands above Spark's wound, green auras surrounding her hands. She slowly healed him, but was unable to recover his arm. Ken stood away from them, his arms crossed as he looked out of the window, irritation in himself clear.

"I knew I should've knocked his ass out when I had the chance. If I did, Spark wouldn't be here, missing a limb!" he shouted, pacing around the room. Bee sighed as she looked up at him.

"Ken, I understand you're irritated, but he wanted to go after them himself. If he hadn't, this place would've been exposed," she sighed, finishing healing the wound. Unfortunately, Spark was left with a stump of a forearm, lying still unconscious.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing! If Spark goes out again, he might lose more than his arm, like his life," he said as he looked down at Bee, groaning in irritation.

"We weren't born with these powers just to NOT use them! Do you know how good your aura and your healing are? Mako with his absorption, me with my powers and the others? We have to be out there helping him!" Ken exclaimed as Bee stood up and looked over at him.

"I...I understand what you're trying to say, but it's just- I'm scared...I have to stay behind to do the best wo-" Bee said before Ken suddenly cut her off.

"You have your plants, right? I'm sure you can think of something." Bee tilted her head in confusion.

"How did you-" Ken pointed outside the window to show her the wall of flowers and plants. "One," he said. He then pointed to the bouquet in the corner, saying simply, "Two." Lastly, he pointed down at Spark, a small sunflower on his hair. "Three." Bee let out a small chuckle.

"You- Damn it, you got me..." she sighed. Very quickly after, the door swung open, slamming the wall as Sapphire stood there.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO SPARK?!" she screamed as she noticed him on the bed. Her attention quickly turned to Bee "You! You did this, didn't you?!" Sapphire shouted as she quickly walked towards Bee, who quickly hid behind Ken. Ken put his hand on Sapphire's shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"She didn't hurt him. That was Echo. Bee here isn't a traitor... Hell, she's the one who patched him up. So get your shit together and calm down," Ken told Sapphire as he turned her around and pushed her over to the unconscious Spark. Sapphire looked down at his arm and sighed, shaking her head.

"Damn it...You gotta be more careful..." There was a small pause before Sapphire suddenly slapped Spark. "Why did you go out there and get yourself hurt?!" she screamed before being grabbed and held back by Bee.

"H-he's already hurt! He doesn't need you slapping him again..." she said. She then looked down at Spark and slapped him herself. "But she has a point! How could you risk your life like that?!" Ken sat there and watched before sighing as he stepped between the girls and Spark.

"You guys DO realize that he can hear you right?" Sapphire groaned as she rested her head on Spark's chest.

"Yeah but...I'm glad he's still alive..." Ken rested his elbow on Bee's head and shook his head.

"By his condition, he should be out in a few more hours...and I think Levi and Evelyn are done clean-" he started.

He was quickly cut off by Levi shouting, "NO WE'RE NOT!"

"...They're not done cleaning," he corrected, looking down at Bee on her phone, texting someone. He tried to see who she was texting and made it out quickly. "So Bee...who are you texting?" he asked as the short girl quickly hid her phone.

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