Lullaby of Woe and Master Mirror

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"Wolves asleep amidst the trees. Bats all a-swinging in the breeze. But one soul lies anxious wide awake. Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths." Esmeralda looks at Polly in a terrifying way.
"For your dolly Polly, sleep has flown. Don't dare let her tremble alone-" she points her cursed finger at her and the entire room turns evil and it's suffocating.
"-for the Witcher. . . Heartless, cold. Paid in coin of gold. He comes , he'll go leave naught behind but heartache and woe. Deep, deep, woe." She starts to do lovely voices but it sounds dark with many voices.
"This is not good." Said Dumbledore. Everyone takes out their wands besides me and Mattheo.
"Birds are silent for the night. Cows turn in as daylight dies. But one soul lies anxious wide awake. Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths. My dear dolly Polly, shut your eyes. Lie still, lie silent. Utter no cries for the Witcher, brave and bold, paid in coin of gold. He'll chop and slice you. Cut and dice you. Eat you whole. Eat you whole." I try to grab her hand but Mattheo got to it first. He turns her head towards him, he looks visibly shaken. I look at her, I don't see a reflection in her eyes. Polly looks scared which she should be.
"Professor, look at her eyes." As he does, her finger pulsates. He keeps his eyes on her finger but also into her eyes.
"She may be awake but she is much worse now. She soul is being stolen."
"What?" Mattheo and I say at the same time. She starts singing again.
"Why does she sing?" I ask
"It's a Gypsy ward. She is trying to keep people away but give clues as to what is happening."

"His smile fair as spring as towards him he draws you. His tongue sharp and silvery as he implores you."
"Your wishes he grants as he swears to adore you. Gold, silver, jewels, he lays riches before you." She starts to drive many voices again which terrified all of us. Mattheo and I are still wandless.
"Who is she talking about?" Mattheo asked.
"I assume the man who made the cards and curse that cut her. Or the one trying to steal her soul."
"Dues need be repaid and he will come for you. All to reclaim, no smile to console you. Snares you in binds, eyes glowing a fire. To gore and torment you till the starts expire."
"Looks like we need to put her back in the tower." Snape said while Mattheo and I hold her hand and strokes her hair.

*Hours later*

The Headmaster makes an announcement.
"Attention students. Last year one of your fellow students was curse with a sleeping spell, well it seems her curse is in effect again. Be mindful, if you see vines, let a professor know." I hope she will be ok.

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