A broken vow

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~Esmeralda's P.O.V~

I sit down with my food and push it around, I'm still upset.
"Are you ok? You seem down, you're usually smiling." Artemis observes. I sigh.
"I'm tired of being called a filthy Gypsy. I'm just as pure as everything else!"
"Don't listen to them Esme, they are animals. They shouldn't be talking in the first place." Artemis rolls her eyes. Out of no where, I get pulled out of my seat and slapped across the face, getting knocked to the floor. I look down at the floor, holding my face as Artemis and Teo come rushing towards me.
"How dare you! Making us look like fools in front of Professor Lockhart!" I get up slowly and walk towards Polly and Pansy.
"Hurt me one more time. I dare you. But if you do, you will regret it. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO HURTING ME!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!"
"YOU DARE TALK TO US LIKE THAT?!?!" Pansy shouts
"SHUT YOUR STUPID DOG MOUTH!!!" Artemis shouts back.
"YOU CAN'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT YOU FREAK!!!" Artemis and I looked at each other, then we walked up to Pansy and Polly and slapped them back. They held their cheeks, looked up at us, and started to cry.
"Now you know what it feels like. Do you like it?" I look at them, waiting for an answer.
"DO YOU!?!?" Artemis and I scream at them. They run out of the Great Hall and I fell to the ground, sobbing. Teo slowly crouches down to my level and grabs both my hands.
"Are you ok Esme?"
"I-I hit her. . . I was violent." I turn and run away. I don't want to be around people. So I ran to the Astronomy Tower and cry. After a few minutes I hear footsteps and see Artemis. She walks over and embraces me. Then I feel something licking my tears away. I look up and see a sweet sugar glider. Where did she come from?
"Her name is Sylvion, she is my familiar. She says she doesn't know why you are crying but she wants to make you feel better."
"I'm crying because I made a vow of nonviolence. And I hit Polly out of anger." I told the little creature and Artemis. She holds her hand out and helps me stand.

Just think, we are only half way done with the day. Let's kick the rest of today's butt. Now, it's time for charms." As we walk in we notice our usual spots next to our friends is unavailable. Polly is glued to Teo's side and another girl is velcroed to Nott. We see some spots next to some Gryffidors, we shrug and sit down next to them. A girl with poofy hair turns to us with a smile on her face.
"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure."
"I'm Artemis and this is my friend Esmeralda." I gave a small wave and a smile. After a while of chatting with her two more Gryffidors come over and sit next to her.
"Hello there, who's this?" A bright blue eyes boy asks smiling at us.
"I'm Esmeralda." I chime in.
"And I'm Artemis." I can't help but I feel eyes on us. I turn to see Teo and Nott staring at us. Our professor walks in and starts the lesson. We are learning Arresto Momentum. He'll float items into the air and we are meant to slow them to a stop. I look over at Artemis, all excited, and her hair is green. I've noticed that she doesn't realize when her hair changes color so I tapped her in the shoulder. She turns her head but her eyes are still focused on what she was staring at, the back of the room.
"What's green mean?" I pull out a special notebook. Then she looks at me.
"Envy." She turns back and I nodded, write it down in my book of her hair colors that she didn't know I had, then pulled out my spell book which starts to float. Artemis pulls out a special arrow that glows, I guess that's her "wand" like my book. After practicing the movements a few times, Artemis gets it on the first try.
"Oh wonderful Miss Celeste. 15 points to Slytherin." She smiles and the Gryffindor boy, who happens to be Harry Potter, pats her back and winks at me. We hear a chair scrapping across the floor but before we could see who it was, class was dismissed.
"I want you all to practice that spell, there will be a test on Monday. Dismissed." We pack our things as our friends walk up to us, Teo is instantly at my side and Nott at Artemis.
"Getting us points, good one Celeste." The girl that was next to Nott says, pulling him over to her, away from Artemis as Nott recoils in disgust. I look at Teo confused on why this new person from the animal squad is being that way. But as soon as I look over he is being pulled away too by Polly as he also recoils.
"This is my childhood friend Rochelle-" sounds snooty like the rest "Rochelle, this is Artemis."
"Yeah I know who she is-" here we go "The reject that got rejected from her own family. Didn't you hear Theodore?"
"Excuse me? When talking about me I would prefer you were actually looking at me. Mind your manners, you do have some right?" Her hair is red.
"And I'm not a reject either. A reject would be someone like you, making fun of someone to be accepted by someone like Barkinson and Everclot." She looks at Pansy and Polly. I hear some squeaking.
"I'll see you later Theo." She starts to walk away but Nott gently grabs her wrist.
"Let me walking you to class." She pulls away, grabs my hand, and glares at him.
"It's fine, you're obviously preoccupied. Take your piece of makeup to HER class." Then she leaves, dragging me along. A few feet away I draw up the courage to speak.
"Are you ok?"
"Remember you telling me that you were tired of being called a filthy Gypsy?"
"Yes." I say softly.
"Well I'm tired of being called a reject." We sat down and I hug her from the side, her head on my shoulder and my head on hers.
"But you do know that none of that was Nott's fault right?"
"Yeah, I just got caught up in the moment and seeing her all over him made me mad." Her hair turns yellow.
"There's no need to be embarrassed. What are best friends for if not to help us see when we are being silly?" She laughs. Next, we have Transfiguration.

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