Was it all pointless? I did everything I had to this point just to get a single reaction out of Sarah, to prove she was a fraud and she did care about what others thought of her. To prove that she isn't the strong, cool, flawless person she pretends to be! But even at her worst, somehow... She still feels better than me! IT'S NOT FAIR!

Erica whines to herself.

Ace holds on to Sarah as tight as he can but she is surprisingly strong. She grunts and groans violently while struggling to free herself from her brother's grip. Her voice cracks and her throat closes up. Her freakish strength starts to fade and she stops struggling, finally releasing all the pent-up frustration she had been locking away. Once again, tears flow graciously down her pale face. She quickly buries her face in her brother's chest and lets out a painful scream before sobbing endlessly. Ace had never seen Sarah so broken, she never allowed herself to cry loudly. All three boys turned to face Erica with malevolent eyes, but before they could do anything, Erica's parents arrived on the scene.

"What's going on here?!"

Her father demanded as he shut the door to his car and rushed into the gate.

"Erica, sweetheart, are you alright?"

Her mother joined in, tailing Mr. Brooks.

Sarah just held on to Ace even tighter and did her best to be silent. She could not face Mr. and Mrs. Brooks because they were like her aunt and uncle. All three families had spent so much time together, they had become one big family. Now it was breaking, part of it at least.

"You! What are you doing here?"

Mt Brooks demands as he glares at Sarah.

"Hey buddy, you're daughter is the one who has been terrorizing Sarah, don't look at her like that!"

Zaccai snaps, resulting in a staredown between him and Mr. Brooks.

"Erica? Our quiet little angel? She's never even here to fly!"

Mrs. Brooks starts

"Sarah's the one who's been humiliating her. She has you boys wrapped around her pinky. Desmond, you and Erica were such a great couple till this witch got in the way. Erica told us all about how you kissed her at that party then when Sarah caught you, you blamed it all on her and followed Sarah like a dog. Then when Sarah would not take you back you crawled back to my precious daughter. I warned her against dating you but she insisted that she loved you and she was sure you cared about her too. But you ditched her the moment you thought Sarah found someone new. And instead of just picking one of you, this girl just kept flirting with you two boys for attention. It's sad to think you became such an awful person Sarah. I always warned your mother that your attitude was a red flag but she'd always defend you, now look at the disgusting person you've become."

Mrs. Brooks' speech shocks the three boys. They can all see the evil smirk Erika is wearing while hiding behind her father. These were the lies she fed her parents to ensure they supported her. None of them had proof that she was lying and Erica's parents always believed every word their precious angel said. It was their word against hers.

"Don't talk about my sister that way"

Ace hisses, but Sarah, who is calm and quiet now, pulls herself away from him and turns to face the Brooks'.

"Your crocodile tears won't work on us."

Mr. Brooks scolds. They all stare angrily at Sarah but she just stares back with a tired expression.

"A disgusting person?"

Sarah repeats with a shaky voice.

"Yes! I can't believe you'd go as far as to assault our daughter in our own home!"

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