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"Are you insane Kim Hyunsoo?! You want to quit the club?" Mr. Kang put the resignation letter on his desk.
"I will just study ssaem, don't worry."
"Aish this punk. Yah, I know how bad you are in class, I asked Ms. Park. Just keep what are you doing now, and you can be our nation athlete. Both you and your sister. I heard she doing good in archery team too."
"That's the problem.." Hyunsoo mumbled softly. "Ahh.. Ssaem please, can't you respect my decision? I already won last tournament and our school got first! I promise I will keep up my grades."
"Aigoo, this kid.. You are our school ace, and you want to quit? Don't talk nonsense Hyunsoo-ah, we have an upcoming nation tournament. Coach Nam and I decided to put you on the list. Wait here, I'll get the list."

Hyunsoo widen his eyes. "Oh ssaem don't you hear me? Aish, I-I'm going to give this letter to the principal tomorrow morning if ssaem and Coach Nam won't accept it!" "Yah, don't shout in teacher's office. Just wait here!" "Aish, this driving me crazy!" He kicks the chair annoyingly.

Hyunsoo felt a tap on his shoulder. "Ah, you surprised me prez!" He feels his heart drop when Namra was standing behind him with a bunch of files. "You shouldn't damage the school property, and can you move so I can pass?" Hyunsoo nodded awkwardly. He then pulls Namra's wrist, causing her to stop. "D-did you hear my conversation with ssaem?" Namra stare at his hand and then look at the boy. Hyunsoo point at his ear, wanting her to take out the earphones.

"I said, did you hear my conversation with ssaem just now?" "No. Should I?" Namra glance at the desk, Hyunsoo quickly took the paper. "Err, nothing. Anyway, do you need help?" "Aren't you are waiting for Mr. Kang? Thanks, but I'm fine."

Hyunsoo look at the girl, puzzled. "What the.. Why is she so cold?" "Oh? Hyunsoo-ah!" Gyeongsu waived at him, pulling Cheongsan shoulder and pointed at their friend. Cheongsan smile seeing his best friend.

Hyunsoo quickly fold the paper and hid in his trouser back pocket. "Aish, why do I keep meeting my classmates."

"What are you doing here?" "Ms. Park told us to bring the books. You meeting Nam ssaem?" "Ahh, must be judo stuff. Right, Hyunsoo-ah, Cheongsan's restaurant going to have opening later, you are coming right?" "Ah how many times do I have to say we're not going to do an opening?!"

"Of course! Yah, Onjo told me that your mother invites us. But I think I'm going to be late. I have to meet Yoojung later." "Your sister? She leaves today? Tell her we wish her good luck." "Then we go first. Yah, don't skip the next class! Come right away after you are done." Hyunsoo smiles and stick his tongue happily. Gyeongsu playfully pinch Hyunsoo's left cheek. "Uh ho! Stop it if you don't want to get hit." Cheongsan quickly pull Gyeongsu hand away.

"Gyeongsu-ah, you shouldn't do that to him. You should do it like this." He reaches out and stroke Hyunsoo cheek tenderly before he squeezed his cheek hard.  Hyunsoo grab a book on the Mr. Nam desk wanting to throw at them. The latter quickly run away, leaving Hyunsoo laughing softly at the boys.



Hyunsoo walk to the archery club. Few of the students were preparing their tools for the tournament. "Yoojung is talking with coach Chae. So, have you sent your resign letter?" Jang Hari was seating behind, checking her stuff. "Noona, shh, people gonna hears you! Ah... Nam ssaem is so stubborn, he won't accept it." "Well.. you are stupid if you think the Judo coach going to let their best player go. Yoojung need to know too, that her brother quit because of her." Hyunsoo sighed weariIy.

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