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Our life is nonetheless an organised crime
We flow into mischievous lies with no escape

Murders of our conscience,
Grave murderers but we are

Our soul carries all our truth
Betwixt night and morn
What's wrong then?
We don't know how to open its door
Beyond that door lies something
Now there's no telling about that hole
To live the life that we everyday live
It's but living a lie we all lie to live
To know what's going on
We must flee
From our own emancipation of self
Like a poet,
who envies the philosopher of nature
Yet his poetry is all about its creation
We must be the poet of our own case
And let no one philosophising our game

No tricksters are we, so there's nothing up our sleeve
And nothing hides in our feathers, we are no birds
It is just this heart alone where everything resides

Some get bury while others germinate
Forgetting them is an act of remembering too
Yet we try to remind ourselves that we forgot
The summit of our dreams is left unconquered

Is it so hard to climb?
When something requires an order to evolve
Don't let go yourself out of the scope
Slowly but steadily start to climb
Right in front of your eyes, is your aim
Only if you don't let go.
Let go but those false blames
How they fit them into your mind
You aren't what they say. You are what you are
You are now what you'll do
And how you'll reply to their claims
That's all heart desires but we don't compel
Things we could but didn't
Things we tried but couldn't
Did we just fail? Or we couldn't fail
Cause we tried
Most people don't dare
Failure is just a fallacy if we only tried
If we achieved it's beauty of our failure that we achieved
For if were always winning at first, we couldn't taste victory for long
It would become boredom to achieve
Only when we fail and when we fall
We know the real meaning of success and all
Then the real happiness kisses our face as we achieve
I had my heart on you, I desired but I failed
It left a pain, I loved with all my flaws
And loved all of your flaws
But this pain I felt when you gifted me separation
It was flawless and it was complete
It was everything
To know what was going on and what's rest
I cried and someone wiped my tears
Puzzled I was! Now who really loves?
One who made me cry or the one who made me over it
Infact it wasn't love but faith in our emotion
Both of them really loved themselves
And only one saw his self in me
Love is nothing, when every emotion has a faith in itself
Yet when we glue feelings in ourselves
Captivating feelings in heart isn't love
It's something worth holding on, when it needs to
And letting go
When it wants to
There's no bond made through force that lasts
No life is there if left without care
Care of staying in and care of moving on
These wishes of heart
How many get fulfilled and how many we just let go without blinking!
We should live live a rolling stone only of it wasn't a stone
How days follow the nights
And how nights are followed by days in return
It's just to create a harmony or an order we must follow
Nothing is special about days nor a thing about nights
Infact just the times, and time also follows time
There must be nights you didn't sleep

Vigilance is the revenge of what we forsake

Sleeplessness 'times at its peak and you are left only to stare at the moon
Not because you love its light or it shines up in the sky
Just because,
You think the sun has set down for you and will never rise
Melancholic traumatised humans
Who blur up all good moments and focus on one bad
Once I met a man, he was but a student of philosophy
I asked him to tell me about the colors of life
He replied,
I have seen the colors of life, I think all of them
And I've seen them merging and fading all at once
Those green minds, like they are fresh but their intention and greed only I know.
Color of life, one to hold on it is
And about that red, I think life's all red.
For some it's warmth is redness while for others it's the passion.
Eh! There are many who embrace wars and love their determination.
It's the color red, the color of life and that of death,
And it fades into white, the prime color, eternal
How we like to be silent while we're in peace.
Just in the darkness we thrive and we think of it as light
And when we go,
With intellect of our life, an energy of loyalty and honor
What is our life then? I know, you know, cause it is staple.
Completely yellow
But only I know who are they loyal to and how?
I know what's that intellect and honor.
I know does it serve any good or doesn't
I know is it really yellow or black
Or brown or is aqua
Or is it to say it consols the earth
Or it befriended the water
With all these typical words he said:
Colors of life keep on changing and no one really knows,
Knows at which one will they stop
Or a what color of our life we'll pass
He went away, shouting.
Never will you understand, why's your life so blue or what's this blue.
You haven't understood what I know
You have all but shades and nothing of color

Only because I'm a philosopher and you are naught.

All this non understandable utterance of him,
Irrelevant to seem? Impossible to comprehend?
Only what I knew about that boy was,
He's a madman chasing the meaning of life
Which infact he never will,
He always judges others' lives.
What I know is that he spoke a lot and I speak more
But does any of it make any sense or not
What I say are no parables nor I do talk of aphorisms
I say but meaningless things and in my mind clouds and deserts also speak

But I think a cent makes sense from this whole

Just cause I know I can't fill my heart into a wine glass
But my mind and yours, can hold a cellar in its sleep
I too was asked many a questions, even I was no philosopher and knew nothing about life.
What I knew was everyone wants to know about life and purpose.
On been asked how long I wanted to live and what was the purpose of my life
Calmly I answered,
I don't want to live any longer
Or any less
It should just be an eternity untill I'm alive
The eternity between two moments, when I'll be loved by someone
Only then I'll be happy to go
Isn't it strange about the moments, how they unwind
Say about the reminiscences of past
All those jovial moments, we laughed back then, but now we miss them and tears do come
And those things which used to frighten us and make us feel down.
Most of them don't even count now and when we know how we cried back then
We laugh!
These moments unwind and can't be forcasted

And memories, they are bittersweet pearls in the vast sea of joy and sorrow.

Memories we want to forget-at many a times they come as dreams
And those we always want to remember- at many a times get lost in our everyday lives.
Just the thing hard to believe is-
Sooner or later memories fade and dreams pass
Past will get dissolved in the space and time fof present
And then it would be our time to be dust.
And we become memories for some people. And most of them would want to remember us but they'll forget.
So that's why I say
Forgetting someone is an act of remembrance too.
What's wrong with me is that a little too much more do I observe
And I'm unable to put all that in meaningful words.
Half my things just I understand
And other half even I don't know the purpose of
Eyes witness our dreams but speak no language
And times we can't say the words we choose
Our heart is unable to attend its funeral
So this mind chooses to sing laments for that
Pain is the emancipation of our souls
The less we react the more to grows
Sometimes we, our sorrow is so deep.
Pain finds home in our soul completely.
It covers us from inside to outside
That's a torture to soul. And that has lost its home.
But our soul finds that its realisation is lost,
It wanders but never finds, a home and a destiny

You become silent while your mind is screaming on inside

All the voids in your body seem fathomless
No one comes to cure you, no incessant
But our pain, we can let go of it
If at first
We wear the robe of darkness happily if it is provided to us by doomed destiny
Choose our sorrow to lead us better,
Half flawed is but beautiful
And all little beauties make our life wonderful
But only if we cooperate
Gold is mined, if requires labour
It needs miners' sweat and energy
A poet senses a change before others even have thought about it
In the merry past
I carried a huge crowd, wondrous friends
A big friend circle
But with time they left
Wherever they went. I don't even know
But I remember
They used to come to me
They used to talk
They told whatever bothered them and
Everything that made them sad
I always listened keenly
My attention devoted. We developed solution
We always did
We laughed, we cried
Together we were, atleast I was everytime
But with time why did they left?
Maybe they think that I'm gone insane.
Even I feel it sometimes when I speak to lifeless things
And when the wind and the sea talks back
But I am not insane
Only I feel they talk but I pretend I do also
About those friends, carried away with wind
Atleast I feel it they were taken by wind
But with me they left but one thing
Nothingness in the air
And an unfillable void in my home
But behind lies aren't their unavoidable circumstances
The need to protect ourselves
Or the fear to lose our loved ones
And behind those truths, are many lies
Truths and lies are like ocean and sea
One falls into the other at sometime
And forgets it's identity after becoming one
And then after great voyages
They again part and forget they were one
The sea and the ocean.
But I always think there might be something
Something worth remembering in their memory lane
That might be saying them to flow back
For they are one
But since they know they can't
Simply they avoid those voices down there

Life and death envy each other
For they are carrying the same essence
But they are altogether different

They can never be like each other

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