"No, what? No." Dustin shook his head, lying terribly.

"Dude, if you're gonna lie, be good at it," Salem speaks.
"What are you talking about?" Steve questioned. "He ate Mews."

"Mews?" Max questioned. "Who's Mews?"

"Dustin's used-to-be cat," Salem replied.
"It's Dustin's cat," Steve spoke simultaneously.

"Steve! Salem!" Dustin yelled at the two.

"I knew it! You kept him!" Lucas yelled at the other.

"No! No....no, I didn't. No. I....no, I...He missed me. He wanted to come home."

"More like have a snack," Salem muttered; Steve gently elbowed the other, gesturing for him to be silent.


"I didn't know it was a Demogorgon, okay?" Dustin yelled back.

"Oh, so now you admit it?"

"Children!" Salem yelled at them. "Fight later."

"Who cares? We have to go," Max told them.

"I care! You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of  law!"

"So, did you!" Dustin yelled back, louder.


Dustin shines the flashlight in Max's face. "You told a stranger the truth!"

"A stranger?" Max scoffed, offended.

"You wanted to tell her too!" Lucas argued.

"Should we let this argument go on?" Salem whispered to Steve.

"Yeah, but I didn't, okay, Lucas? I didn't tell her. We both broke the rule of law, okay? So, we're even. We're even."

"Shut the fuck up, all of you," Salem snapped at them,

Lucas looked at him, offended, ignoring him and turning back to Dustin. "No, no, we're not even! Don't even try that. Your stupid pet could have eaten us for dinner!"

"You've never seen a damned fucking horror movie, huh, Stevie?" Salem whispered to the other, who slightly jumped. "I'm glad you didn't hit me with your baseball bat, but you are a fucking idiot. We are being hunted, and you're reflexes are shit."

"You have a gun," Steve replied, as though that fixed everything.

"So? What? That means you trust me enough so you can have shitty reflexes?"


Salem turned to the other, a look of disbelief portraying his features as he continued to look at Steve. "Children!" Salem yelled at them, making them immediately stop arguing as they all turned to hear the screeching.

Steve was the first to move toward the sound; Salem looked at him. "What a fucking idiot." He spoke as the two other boys started to follow him.

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