Fenix located where the noise was coming from and frowned. Dom was speeding towards him. Fenix threw Alex to the ground and grabbed his gun. He aimed it at Dom's car and pressed the trigger three times, each bullet lodging into the windshield.

Alex slowly crawled away from Fenix, still gasping for air. The lack of oxygen had gotten to her, she felt out of it. Fenix knew he needed to get out of the way or else he would be crushed. He went to move, but Brian had grabbed his leg, preventing him from running away. Fenix's body was sandwiched between Brian's wrecked car and Dom's car. He had died instantly from the impact. The first thing Dom had spotted when he exited his car was Alex struggling to stand up. He ran over to her.

"I got you," Dom said, gently snaking an arm around her waist to help stand her up. He grabbed her arm and threw it over his shoulder. It physically hurt Dom to see his sister in pain. He noticed the bruises that were already forming on her neck. He clenched his jaw tightly. He almost wished that Fenix wasn't dead yet so he could beat the shit out of him and see how he liked it.

"Brian," Alex said breathlessly. She didn't want Dom to focus on her right now when Brian was injured too. She hadn't even taken a good look at Brian yet so she wasn't sure how serious his injuries were. Dom helped Alex walk as quickly as they could over to where Brian lay on the ground, clutching his stomach. He groaned in pain as he attempted to sit up. Alex got out of her brother's grasp and fell to her knees next to Brian, ignoring how badly it hurt.

Dom crouched down and helped move Brian so he was leaning his back against the front end of Fenix's car. Brian and Alex just stared at each other for a moment. Tears started to spill from her eyes. He had blood on his forehead. His shirt was torn in multiple places and there was blood surrounding the largest hole in the shirt. He kept mumbling curse words from the pain. Alex's heart ached at the sight. She hated that he was hurting and she couldn't do anything about it. She reached over and put her shaky hands on the wound on his abdomen. She pressed down, applying pressure to slow down the bleeding. He winced, his nose scrunching up from the pain.

"Sorry I know it hurts. You're gonna be okay, baby," Alex told him with a forced smile. Brian brought his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek. She leaned into his hand, placing a soft kiss onto his palm. He smiled.

"You should be worrying about your own wounds, not mine," Brian said as he noticed how bruised and battered she look. "I'll be okay." Alex shook her head.

"No, yours are more important," Alex replied with a small smile. The smile faltered when she heard the sound of police sirens getting closer and closer. Alex looked at Dom with wide eyes.

"You gotta get out of here," Brian told his friend. Alex nodded in agreement.

"Go. Take Fenix's car and leave before they get here first. Please be safe," Alex said. She really didn't want Dom to leave again but she knew it was his best option. Dom sat down on the opposite side of Brian.

"I ain't runnin' anymore," Dom answered, shocking the two people sitting beside him. Is he crazy? Alex shot him a look. Dom just nodded at her, answering the question before the words could leave her lips.

"I gotta ask you something," Brian said to Dom. Alex's eyes searched Brian's face. He looked exhausted. A tear slid down the dark haired girls cheek. She just wanted him to be okay.

"What?" Dom asked. Alex noticed him tense up as the sirens continued to get closer and closer.

"You know I woulda.. I woulda won that race if you wouldn't have cheated, right?" Brian questioned in a serious tone. Both Toretto siblings broke out into laughter. Brian put his hand on top of Alex's.

"You hit your head hard," Dom replied, earning a laugh from Brian. Brian instantly regretted laughing. He gave Alex's hand a squeeze. The police helicopter was inching towards them, a trial of police cars not too far behind. It was a matter of minutes before they would arrive.

"Don't make me laugh right now, man," Brian said quietly, squeezing his eyes shut from the pain that laughing brought. He opened his bright blue eyes and looked at Alex. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Dom went willingly with the authorities. Four days later was Dom's court date. His trial went by quickly but the hour that they had to wait to hear the jury's decision felt like the longest hour of Alex's life. For the most part, her wounds were healed. She had to wear a brace for her knee for another week and still had a few bruises. Brian still had a while before the gash on his abdomen would heal completely but other than that, he was back to his usual self.

"All rise," The bailiff spoke. Everyone in the court room stood up. Alex smoothed out her dress. "Please be seated." Everyone obeyed. Brian wrapped an arm around Alex and began rubbing small circles on her arm with his fingers. He knew how much she loved when he did that. She glanced over at him and smiled.

"Please rise, Mr. Toretto," The judge instructed, folding his hands and setting them atop the large podium in front of him. "After listening to the testimony, I've taken into speical consideration of Agent O'Conner's appeal of tendency on behalf of Mr. Toretto . . That his actions directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug trafficker Arturo Braga. However, this judiciary finds that one right does not make up for a life time worth of wrongs. And as such, I find that I am forced to level the maximum sentence under California law."

Alex could feel her heart break more and more with each word the judge spoke. No, she thought, please no. Brian stood up and walked away, disappointed in the judge's decision.

"Dominic Toretto, you are hereby sentenced to serve twenty-five years to life in the Lompoc maximum security system without the possibility of early parole. This court is adjourned," The judge finished. Tears flowed freely down Alex's cheeks. She watched as they took her brother away from her. The sadness she was feeling was replaced by anger.

Nobody is going to take her family away from her. Not again.

Alex pressed harder on the gas peddle, jerking the car forward as the speed increased dramatically. She had caught up with Brian, who was driving Dom's charger. The couple shared a smile through their windows as they drove side-by-side. Rico and Tego, friends of Dom's, were trailing close behind Alex and Brian. Alex and Brian approached the bus that was transporting a group of prisoners to a prison in Lompoc. Dom was one of those prisoners. But he wouldn't be for long.

"Hope Dom likes a dramatic exit."

        The End!

just kidding, no it's not! There's a sequel!

Nothing Like Us // Brian O'Conner [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ