Chapter 2

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You and your friends were sitting on the water fountain for lunch. You sat alone, while Tatum was close to your brother and Sidney sat in Billy's lap. You thought Sidney deserved better in your opinion, you never really liked him.

he usually came over, being Stu's best friend and all. Naturally, you saw him more than you wanted. "y/n, what are you thinking about? Tatum asked. "What happened, You admitted, eating your lunch anxiously.

"I know they'll find her killer, Sidney told you sweetly. She was so kind and caring, you were glad she was your friend. "I know, you responded. "Being interrogated wasn't so fun." Stu chuckled."I was asked if i liked to hunt."

Tatum looked confused. "Hunt? Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?" "Maybe because Stu is acting suspicious, You piped in jokingly. "Seriously Y/N? Stu whined jokingly. Then he responded to Tatum, "I don't know, they just did."

"Because their bodies were gutted, Randy piped in. "Randy! You said, hitting his arm. "Ow, Y/n why did you do that? He asks. "You were being a total idiot, that's why, You responded. Randy simply sighed in response.

Sidney flinched after hearing Randy. "Thanks Randy, Billy responded.  "They didn't ask me if i liked to hunt, Tatum replied, crossing her arms. "Because there's no way a girl could have killed them, Stu said.

You rolled your eyes, your brother was also pretty dumb, no wonder he was friends with Randy. However, you remained silent, wanting to see what Tatum would say. "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct, Tatum argued.

"Yeah Stu, use your brain for once, You jokingly commented. "Sorry Y/n, Tatum, but that was an ice pick not exactly the same, Randy defended. "Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. Takes a man to do something like that, Stu added.

You sighed, sometimes you wondered if your brother was mentally insane or not. He was popular but weird at the same time, like Randy. "Or a man's mentality, Tatum said. "I agree with Tatum, You smirk, popping a grape in your mouth.

"Y/N, you are so biased, Tatum is your best friend, Randy told you, a teasing smirk on his face. You've always had a crush on Randy, never having the guts to tell him though. You rolled your eyes."I am not biased, Stu just has a stupid theory, that's all."

"How do you gut someone?"

Sidney said it almost to herself, but everyone could hear it and you were shocked she even said that. Why would she? You didn't actually expect a response, though. "You take a knife and slit from the groin to the sternum, Stu answered.

That send chills down your spine, and clearly it terrified Sidney, poor girl. "Seriously, Stu? You ask. "What? She asked, Stu defended. "It's called tact, you fuckrag, Billy replied. Oh boy. You hoped Stu wouldn't invite him over after school or something, like he usually does.

"Sorry, Stu apologized. "You should be sorry, asshole, you replied, jokingly. "you alright, Sid?" "I'm fine, don't worry y/n, Sidney assured you. Randy smirked."Remember in JAWS when they caught the wrong shark at first and Richard Dreyfuss cut it open to to look for body parts and all they found was a license plate and all this white milky goo."

You groaned and rolled your eyes, Randy was a total idiot sometimes, even if you did have a thing for him.  Stu leaned over and hits him on the arm, then said, "You heard Billy, shut the fuck up."

you softly giggled, nobody heard you thankfully. Sidney suddenly asked,"Hey, Stu? Didn't you use to date Casey?" Stu was a little taken aback by that, and so were you. Casey and Stu dated for an entire year, then they broke up.

Casey was always over at your home, or hers, which meant you were home alone, or if your parents barely ever were here.  By now, you didn't necessarily mind that they were consumed by work. 

"For about two seconds, Stu lied. "Tsk Tsk Tsk, You said, and he gave you a dirty look. You normally didn't comment on things, or were that type of person, but around your friends, you sometimes were.

"Before she dumped him for Steve, Randy said, making you hit his shoulder to shut up. But, Randy spoke the truth. You witnessed Casey dumping Stu, she wasn't necessarily faithful to him, which might explain how bitter he was when it came to Casey.

Tatum turned to Stu, a surprised look on her face."I thought you dumped her for me." "I did, He's full of shit, Stu laughed. You remained quiet, it was an unnecessary conversation to be in. "And are the police aware you dated the victim? Randy asked, a smug look on his face. 

Stu looked really offended by that statement, and to be honest, you would have been too. "What are you saying? That I like killed her or something? Stu asked. There was now tension between the two boys, but you thought it was fun drama, not Casey's death of course, but their bickering. 

"It would certainly improve your highschool Q, Randy smirked. Tatum gave a weird smile."Stu was with me last night." You knew Randy was going to say some sick joke, like he always did. 

"Oooooh, before or after he sliced and diced?"

"Randy, you're one weird motherfucker, you told him. "Thank you Y/N, He replies. "Fuck you, nut case. Where were you last night? Tatum asked, defending her boyfriend. You thought that was sweet in a way.

"Working, thank you, Randy responded, casually. Randy was right, you were there last night but couldn't find a good movie to watch. Tatum chuckled."I thought Blockbuster fired you." "Pretty sure he was, You responded.

"Twice, Randy said proudly. "For your information Tatum and Y/N, I got rehired." You shook your head in disbelief. "They must be really desperate then." Randomly, Stu blurted, "I didn't kill anybody."

Pretty sure nobody did, you thought. "No one's saying you did, Billy told him. He was such a dick in your opinion, but right now you would never say that. "Besides... Randy started, mimicking Stu."Takes a man to do something like that."

You laughed. "Good one, Randy." "Thanks, worked on it for a while, He responds proudly. Stu didn't seem to enjoy it though. "I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, Stu spat. "Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? I hear they found her liver in the mailbox, Randy smirked.

"Ew, You respond, a disgusted look on your face. "Randy, you goon-fuck, i'm eating here, Tatum commented. Stu began at her neck, like a typical couple. "Yeah, Randy, she's getting mad. I think you better liver alone, Stu laughed at his joke. 

Jesus Christ.

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