I look at Mom and almost grows a smirk on her face.

Mom: Well, at least this will be interesting.

(Y/n): So, what do we do?

Mom doesn't say anything, but gestures for me to follow her as we exit the tavern and start wandering the streets towards the harbor.

Erza: We find the ship, scout it for a way aboard, then I invade and take out their captain.

(Y/n): Why not take out the entire crew by a long range blast and destroy the ship?

Erza: 1: There is a chance that some of the pirates will survive and want revenge. 2: Most of these people used to be civilians before getting roped in by the deception that the captain saved them.

(Y/n): Huh?

Erza: I surmised from the conversation that the crew were following this Pirate out of fear rather than reverence. If I defeat the Captain, then I will give the remaining crew a choice. Leave or die.

(Y/n): Oh. You really want to kill them?

Erza: No. I want to avoid bloodshed if I can. There's an old saying, "A wise man never seeks out conflict, but he must always be ready for it."

(Y/n): *confused* I'm not sure I get it.

Erza: *chuckles* Don't worry, you'll understand someday.

Throughout the rest of the day, Mom and I try to discreetly get a load of the massive ship with it's many cannons and can't find a feesible way to get her on there without raising suspiscion.

(Y/n): *yawns*

Erza: I think that's enough for one day, young man. *picks me up as I yawn again* Come on.

Erza POV

I can definitely feel the weight (Y/n) has gained since I took him in and that makes me feel happy that he's getting better physically. I find us the inn I checked us into earlier and carried (Y/n) to the room we were given. I walk into the single bed room and lay him on the matress, I gently pry his off my neck and cover him with the blankets. I then sit next to him on the bed, remove my gauntlet and gently stroke his hair until I'm sure he's asleep. I replace my gauntlet and walk out of the room locking it behind me.

Erza: Alright, let's deal with these pirates.

It's a little bit before I reach the harbor and see the pirate ship still anchored offshore. I borrow a small rowboat and row out to the ship, but as I approach-

Pirate: Hey! Wench in the rowboat! Go back to shore, you know the curfew!

Erza: Oh, I'm sorry.

I suddenly jump from the boat and onto the pirate ship and kick the man off.

Erza: You'll have to speak next time. *winces* Why did I suddenly feel old saying that?

Pirate 2: Intruder! Wake the Captain!

I see three more pirates join the one sounding the alarm.

Erza: Requip! *summons swords*

I work on disrupting the pirates individual attacks before disarming them and kicking them away. More and more kept coming until-

*gunshot into the sky*

Captain: What's going on here?!

I don't see the Captain because he is obscured by the shadows.

Captain: Well, well, well, a wench trying to play the warrior hero. A useless occupation.

Erza: No where half as useless as Piracy. *demanding* Show yourself, Scoundrel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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Erza Scarlet x Child Male Reader Part: 1Where stories live. Discover now