27. A New Beginning (ep31)

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Picks up after the accident at the end of ep31.


Esra sat bleary-eyed at his bedside in the hospital. It had been 3 days since the accident and Ozan was still slipping in and out of consciousness. The doctors were confident he would make a full recovery with time, but she knew she couldn't breathe easy till she saw it with her own eyes.

She had not left his side and barely slept a wink, lest she miss that moment when he finally opened his eyes. Atlas was with her mother but her baby was missing his baba fiercely and she had finally agreed to allow her mother to bring him to the hospital. A part of her hoped that it would maybe help Ozan.

She lifted Atlas into her arms as he entered the room, hugging him to her chest like her life depended on it. And in some ways, it did.

Atlas looked over at Ozan, his eyes sad, his lips drooping in worry.

"Ortak?" he called tentatively.

He looked back at his mom, when he got no response from Ozan.

"It's okay annecim, I know baba can hear you, and he knows that you are here. He just needs to rest a little."

Atlas nodded, only half convinced. "Can I hold his hand?" he asked.

Esra's eyes filled as she lowered him to the floor.  She nodded, "He would love that."

Atlas took Ozan's large hand in his, his eyes roaming his face and taking in the giant bandage on his head. His little heart hurt to see his best friend, his partner, his...father, lying there unmoving, not even responding to his touch. He wanted more than anything for his dad to wake up and hold him in his arms again. His precocious little brain knew the one thing that would for certain make his dad happy.

He moved his face close to Ozan's head, "Baba, can you wake up?"

Ozan tried to clear the fuzziness in his brain. Where was he? The car, the tree - snapshots of visions passed before his eyes. He had left Esra and Atlas alone. Did someone get the allergy medication for his baby? His heart beat in overtime wondering if he had failed his son. He tried to move...maybe it wasn't too late, maybe... He felt a tiny hand in his and grabbed it like a lifeline.

Atlas was here, that meant he was okay, he let out a soft sigh of relief. He heard his son's tiny, frightened little voice through the fog. Baba can you wake up.

Something kick started inside him, like he had suddenly been given a new lease on life. Baba. The one word that meant the whole entire world to him.

His eyelids fluttered open, a tiny tear escaping and rolling down his cheek,  "oğlum?"

4 Days Later.......

Ozan didn't want to let his son out of his sight, so Esra's mom was staying with them for a week - helping take care of Atlas so Esra could focus on Ozan.

Menekse living in the house meant that Esra had to keep up the charade, so she moved into Ozan's room. She told him it was also so that she could look after him for a few days. The doctor had said that he would need to take it very easy at least until his wounds healed, and she was willing to admit to herself that she wouldn't want it any other way.

In truth, she didn't want to let Ozan out of her sight either. Those 3 days in the hospital had been the worst days of her life. Over the years she had experienced the entire range of emotions where Ozan was concerned, but the fear in  thinking she had lost him forever was the very worst one yet. He had come back to her....to them, and she was eternally grateful. They would find their way back to each other eventually, she knew it. That's all that mattered.

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