24. Epilogue (Part 3)

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She looked up and saw her whole world before her eyes, and that permanent, dull ache inside her chest faded to nothing.


Two weeks later...

Esra had moved into her own place, and she felt like maybe, finally, her life was coming together. She was living on her own terms, no more secrets, no more intolerable obligations.

Ozan was still hurting though. Esra knew and understand. She didn't want to push him, and he seemed to want to take things really slow. He would come often and spend time with Atlas. They would hold hands when they went for walks as a family, he would kiss her on the cheek in greeting - but she always wondered if maybe he was doing it for Atlas.

She had a business dinner tonight with a potential new client, and Ozan had offered to stay with Atlas while she was gone. Sibel was busy that evening and it was just as well, Esra knew that Atlas would much rather have Ozan for company.

She could hear them giggling in the living room and she smiled to herself as she got dressed. She would never tire of the sound of their laughter.

Esra slipped on the red dress she had bought ages ago but never actually worn. She struggled with the last two inches of the zipper, certain that she had put on a pound or three now that she was back in town and gorging on her mom's cooking. She yanked hard and the fabric got stuck between the teeth of the zipper, and she let out a loud exclamation of annoyance.

"Is everything ok, Esra?" Ozan's concerned voice came from outside her bedroom door.

Esra debated silently - on the one hand she was going to end up ripping this dress if she pulled any harder on the zipper, and on the other, the prospect of Ozan's fingers against her skin was already stirring up butterflies in her stomach. And yet, one of those options was just so much more appealing than the other.

"Ummm, actually," she said, opening the door to him, and looking sheepish, "the zipper is stuck. I can't pull it up or down. Do you think, you...."

Ozan stepped into her room before she could finish her sentence. "Tabi."

"Oh...ok," she mumbled turning her back to him. "Atlas...."

"He's watching TV. He's fine...." he said, his hands already at her nape.

She felt his fingers brush against her bare skin has he moved her hair gently out the way and onto her shoulder.

Her toes curled.

She felt him struggling, his breath now hot and heavy and right up against her neck as he concentrated on the task at hand.

Her fists clenched.

She instinctively stepped away from him in self preservation and he grabbed her arms unthinkingly, "Hold still, I almost got it."

Her skin burned.

"I think the cloth is stuck between the teeth," she said, embarrassed that her voice sounded so husky.

"I got it..." he replied, his voice so low and gravelly it sent a shiver all the way down her spine.

"There!" he said victoriously, as he jiggered the zipper all the way up.

She released the breath she was holding and turned around, "Thank you! I was going to have to tear this dress otherwise and I really like it."

His jaw ticked and his eyes darkened as they roamed over her. "You look beautiful," he said gruffly, almost angrily.

"Thanks..." she said, biting her lip, and looking down at her toes - afraid that he would see too much in her eyes.

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