Chapter Twenty - Training

Start from the beginning

   "Okay, I'll try to make friends with Katniss today." I told Finnick and he nodded, looking over to me.

   "I'll try Peeta but I think you hit it off with him nicely." Finnick said and I nodded.

   "Alright then. Let's do this."

   From there, me and Finnick stepped forward and the door opened automatically for us, revealing the training center. It was way bigger then last time but it had the same essence to it. I immediately spotted the fire building section and the med center down the back. The fishing station wasn't too far from that. Unlike last time the place was coloured a light grey and the floor was a deeper grey concrete.

   We walked forward and noticed that there weren't any physical dummies for the weapons section. As I continued forward I noticed why. It was because they didn't need dummies, they had technology that projected moving targets. It was hard to miss them, they were a bright neon orange. I saw Cashmere over there with his sister Gloss throwing knives at the moving targets.

   There were mats spread across the facility and on one them I saw Johanna Mason. She was swinging her axe aggressively, practicing hard and I can't lie, she was threatening.

   There were long hallways for spear throwing and the projections worked in there too. I don't know why it wouldn't, I think I was just interested in all of it. It was weird how a projection could be turned into something physical to train with.

   I looked back to see Katniss and Peeta walk through the door, both of them seeming uncomfortable with the people in the room. I looked over to Finnick and he looked at me, giving me a nod. He glanced around quickly before he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. After that, the two of us split up.

   I walked over to the fishing station, keeping a close eye on Katniss while Finnick made his way over to Peeta. Katniss walked over to Beetee and Wiresss who were trying to learn to light a fire with sticks. I spotted psycho shark lady training with some guy over some weird blocky mat. I could never remember her name so I just stuck with psycho shark lady.

   I picked up some of the equipment, studying the different hooks and string. I decided to play around with them, try to remember the different knots Kai taught me as a kid when he wasn't working. They weren't perfect but they were something that I knew I was good at.

   "It's beautiful." I heard a soft voice say and I looked over to see Katniss standing over my shoulder. I wasn't sure how long she had been watching me but I smiled and moved over a little so she could see it better.

   "Yeah, well, my brother was always better at it then me but at least I can say I know what I'm doing." I told her with a smile which made her smile in return.

   "You've got a brother?" She asked and I smiled sadly at the thought of him. I guess I never really got the time to think about him since I left. I wondered how he was doing or better yet, what he was doing. Hopefully something smart and not stupid.

   "Yeah, he's older then me but he's acted more like a father then anything." I told her and that seemed to make her smile. "You remind me of him actually." I said and she seemed a little taken aback.

   "Me?" She asked and I shrugged again, standing up straight but also relaxed. She didn't seem tense with me like I thought she would be.

   "My brother would do anything to protect me, just like how you'd do anything to protect your sister. Is it an older sibling thing or something?" I asked and she laughed a little.

   "Maybe." She said and then looked a little deeper at my fish hook. "Never really got the chance to learn about fish hooks." Katniss told me and I shrugged.

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