Beautiful Love Story... Or is it? - Chaennie(one-shot)

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Genre: Fluff then... you know- FIND OUT OOF I HATE WRITING GENRES


I stare at her lovingly. How could I not? She's a being no other can form. She's the kindest one, the smartest, funniest, weirdest, loveliest one. And I know, she's worth all the pain I went through. I know, I'm worth all the pain she went through.

"Jennie Unnie, do you believe we have a beautiful love story?"

"Why would you ask me that Chaeyoungie?" She asks looking at me with the same amount of love.

"I'm not sure, I just- thought about everything we went through and how it all started in us believing in love at first sight." I say, lost in thoughts.

"Anything that involves you is beautiful Rosie, but I think our love story is one of the hardest so far. We've thrived and left, it was hard. Spent so many years fighting for each other then, all of it went to waste. "

"I see..."

"Chaeyoungiieeeee," she whines, "why'd you ask me that. What do you think?"

"No, no, listen. I just wanted to say this because I feel like I needed to." I say seriously.

She says nothing, quietly waiting for me to proceed; and I appreciate that. It gives me a moment to construct what I want to say. Construct it into sentences, into something understandable. It calms me how she smiles at me warmly at the best times. How she's like my sunshine and my light during my stressful and sad days. And I feel I need to thank her.

Finally, after a few minutes of hesitation and her confident nod I tell her. I know it might not be something too stressful to say but I want to show her how I've felt and how much I love her. How far we've come.

"When we finally got together, I had this... feeling... in my chest. Like a permeating sense that thrums deep within my cells, and this time around they got to fight fairly. We learned how to love ourselves and known ourselves better. We grew over the years and learnt how to live without each other and how to experience life without having each other beside us. And, I think-I know-all this pain, mixed with the insecurities and doubt, has made me the better person. I'm confident it's the same for you. Then, finally, after so many years of fighting for each other we made it. That's why I think our love is the most beautiful. We're too damaged souls healing each other through the damage we caused. We're hurt humans with unyielding hearts."

Jennie looked at me with surprise. "I didn't know you had an inner philosopher Rosie. Wow- I can't believe it. But, in all honesty, our love will continue to grow as time goes by and we heal. That's the aspect of life in some ways. Getting hurt and seeking comfort in the one you trust the most, it can be an object or a person-like you."

And just like that, our day ended. On the green hill in solace and silence. The sun setting in the background and no additional noise.

That's how my dream went, that's how I wished for it to go. But you didn't make it to loving me and giving me a chance. You gave up on us and moved on. I wish you had stayed with me. I wish you hadn't grown tired. Look at where you've brought me; dreams are all I have now. You've made me go crazy. And one day, I promise you, I will hurt you with just the amount of pain you hurt me.


Words: 600




although i do still feel sick- and feel like my body will yeet itself any second now- ANYHOW

and also...

tY fOr 1.4k i couldnt appreciate it while i was having an identity crisis and a near-death experience, you know? normal stuff-

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