movie, steve rogers

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alright. first of all, hes made me fell in love with him. i mean. look at his smiles man. isn't it contagious? he so cute, handsome and well. kind hearted person.

"ok. what the actual fuck is happening to me?" i smack my face. "shit. why i suddenly loves him?" dad would probably mad at me.

"hi, have you seen y/n?" he asks my my friends. "OH SHOOT" i ran to the bathroom. he scared the hell out of me. "WHY IM SHIVERING?!" i look at my hands.

sofia, my friends enter the bathroom. "eh, y/n?" i look at her. "oh gosh, sofia! did the hot guy was out there?" she confused. "hot guy? you mean steve?" i nodded.

"yea, he's waiting outide of the bathroom." i deep sigh. "oh fuck shit." she laughs.

"man, y/n. he literally into you." she teased. "we even didn't know each other dipshit."

she stares. "maybe yea." sofia looks at me. "man, y/n. that hot guy was there. why you're hiding from him?"

"it's scared me tho."

"relax, there's nothing to be scared." she pats me.

"alright, alright. fine. i will. stop pushing me, asshole-" she keep pushing me. "GO BESTIE!" i walks out and the first person appear in front of my eyes is. steve.

"hey y/n! i've been searching for you." i greet him back. "hey, steve." awkward. "the movie will starts on 8 pm. you're okay with that?" i nodded.

"yeah, ofc. no problem."


we're walking to go back home together, since our house is near. we're arrived at our house.

he was looking at my house. "is this your house?" i nodded.

"goddamn big." i chuckles. "yeah, i know." he was too stunned. "steve. i actually wanna tell you something." he looks at me. "hm? what?" even that was hot too. i show him the heart finger

"speak please, ms stark." he smiles. i rolls my eyes. "I LOVE YOU!" he was suprised.

he walks to me slowly. alright. this made me creep out. "you, love me?" i stuttered.

"i- i um." my dad walks out. "y/n, you're home already?" i walks to him. "ah yes dad." i kiss his cheek. "and. who is this guy?" he points at steve.

"he is steve rogers. my new friend." my dad looks at him. "well, steve rogers. nice to meet you." i walks inside. "nice to meet you too, sir." they shakes hand.

i really hope he didn't knew about this. "BWAH!" my mom scared me. "FOR GOD SAKE, MOM!!" she laughs at it. "i really wanna do it to uour dad so bad-"

she looks at the window. "who's that guy?" she points. "that's my new friend." she smirk. "not BOYFRIEND, huh" i chuckles. "geez, no-"

my dad walks inside that made us startled. "gosh, tony. stop doing that." he chuckles. "y/n, you like him aren't you?" tony asks softly.

"n- no im not." i look at something else. "are you sureee? you seems so in love with him." i almost burst into smile but i hold it. "tickles her, tony."

and so. he literally tickles me made me prove to them. "YES! YES IM IN LOVE WITH HIM. HAHAHA STOP IT, DAD!" my dad was so satisfied.

"it's good right talking the truth." he walks to the kitchen. "i actually thoigh that you're gonna mad at me. that's why im hiding it." he chuckles.

"y/n, you're already 17. also, you're grown up already." my mom said. i smiles at him. "oh, however. tonight i want to watch movie with steve." i smiled.

"uuu, movie. alright. alright." i love my mom. "do you need anything? like money or car? or-" i stops him from talking and hugs him.

"you don't need to do that to me, dad. it's okay. i'm the one who should made you things like that." he pats me. "we really treat her well." mom said.


my mom make up me like a princess. i hate make up. "eip, y/n. your hands." i sigh. "mom. i hate make up on." she crossed her arms. "you look so beautiful on it. why you're always said that?"

"because i hate it mom." my dax entered my room. "hey girls. oh gosh, y/n. you look so beautiful.." tony come closer to me and tried to kiss my cheeks. but, my mom blocks him.

"hey! she doesn't done yet!" my dad pouts. then, he kiss my mom. "alright. done. tony, isn't she's beautiful?" my dad hugs her.

"she is an angel." i rolls my eyes. "alright. im gonna admit it. im beautiful." they all awe. my dad hugs me.

"have a nice date, y/n." my parents saw me walking until i get in the cab.


i was so fucking nervous meeting him. my hands are shivering and i feel so cold. then, the druver cab stops the car. i give him the money. "keep in change, uncle." i smiles.

i get out of the cab and walks to the bench. i saw steve just buy 2 popcorns. i stands up and walks towards him. "oh my god.." he was frozen.

"um, steve? are you okay?" the popcorn almost fall, but i catch it. "careful, steve." he back in reality. "you are so beautiful." i blush. "thank you.."

"oh um, btw. the movie will started a few minutes later." i nodded and we go into the theather. we sat at the second last row. i helps him to hold a popcorn. before the movie started. he says something to me while holding my hand.

"i love you." his eyes stick at the screen. "im sorry?" he looks at me. "i love you, y/n. like. fr." i blush. i look other way.

the movie has started, we quietly watched the movie while munching the popcorn. i was so concentrated to the movie. then suddenly steve holds my hand for 2nd time.

"hm? what's wrong?" he looks towards me and grab my face to a kiss. i was so frozen that time and idk what to do. he literally kiss me, man.

i broke the kiss. "what was that for?!" he laugh. "what you laughing?! i was concentrated to a movie, steve." i whispered. he pats my head. "i just love you."

i hold his hands back. "i- i love you too."

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