war, stephen strange

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i was meditation alone at my room. and i saw some vision from the future. the war.

thanos still alive. full of army were there attacking us. i was distracted by something unseen.

my head was blank and white screen thing appeared.

"stephen? stephen?" someone keep calling me. then, i fall to the floor. the cape blocks my face.

i lack the cape and saw y/n standing there cutely. "ah, y/n. what do you want?"

i stand up and caress her hair. "the food has arrived. let's eat together." she smiles.

i nodded and she grab my arms and goes downstairs. "easy y/n!" he sat me to the table and so she did. "wow, smells delicious." i open the tupperware of the food.

"um, chicken." i take out and put it on her plate. we eat peacefully. like a date. but more peacefully. she eats munchy. "oh y/n, i have something to tell you."

she's ready to heard this. "whot?" i actually hard to explain it to her. "i have to go for a war next week." she was suprised. she's stop eating.

"a war? seriously? what kind of war?" she seems so worried. "multiverse war. you can't follow me, ok?" i hold her hand with my left hand.

"why can't i? i should follow you. if you're hurt, who will responsible for it? if you're die, who's the one who heartbreak? sad? cried? it's me, stephen. i'll suffer all alone when i watch you die infront of my eyes."

i listening to her. she's almost tear up. "you can't y/n. i'm promise. i'll come back to you safely." i caress her hand. "no. why? i rather die for you." i shake my head.

"no y/n. listen to me. you HAS to stay here. wong will take care of you. the avengers and me have to go in this war."


you wake up looking at stephen already get ready to the war. you stands up and runs towards him.

he was suprised. you backhugs him. he turns around.

"i hope you'll come back safely, stephen strange." you cried. stephen hugs you back.

"don't worry. i'll came back to you safely, ok? i love you so much, y/n." he kiss your forehead.

both of you stayed at the hall. "i can't stephen." you hold his hand.

"i have to follow you. please. im begging." stephen felt so sorry.

"im sorry y/n. you can't. its just. i wanna you stay safe. i don't wanna you to hurt."

he caress your head. "wong!" he calls him. "NO! STEPHENN"

he open the portal. wong came and hold my arm. the avengers already inside the portal.

"LET GO OF ME!" you escaped and hug stephen's leg.

"y- y/n. stop it. i'll back to you safely. i promise." he hold your head and kiss softly and warmly on your forehead. you hold his hands.

"i love you so much, y/n." he let go of you and goes inside the portal. "STEPHEN!"

"y/n-" the portal close. "no.. stephen.." you cried on the floor. "why he's so scared when i wanted to follow him?" wong came closer to you.

"he's worried about you when you follows him. he's scared of losing you." wong tried to comfort you.

"shit." you keep crying. wong handed you a pic. "what is this?" you hold it.

"stephen said, if you're in kind of problems or in the lowest you hold this pic and look at it."

he handed me a walkman. "and, stephen said. listen to these songs when you're missed him." you take it. "thank you wong." you thanks him.

you goes inside the room. open the walkman with an earphone. you plug in. there have such many songs that was download here.

"these songs. we're listening together." you play it while looking at the pic. the song played was "sparks." you cried non stop. remembering to him.

and you feel asleep


"wong, let's eat!" you called him. wong came downstairs and sit on the chair.

"hm, smells really delicious." we're about to eat. then, you saw some orange thing at the hall.

we heard some noisy sounds. wong protect me with his shield and you take a pan.

you walk first, wong walks besides me. and its reveal stephen's portal. you look inside it. stephen came out.

"stephen?" he was a mess. his clothes was ripped. he looks at you. "hey baby. i'm back."

he smiles. it has so many blood on him. you dropped the pan. "it's been 3 months, stephen."

he just stares at you. "i missed you so much, y/n." the tears suddenly streamed down.

you goes to him and hugged him softly. "i missed you so much."

"i told you, i came back safely." he chuckles. he holds his abdomen. "no you're not. you're injured! wong, call the ambulance!" wong take the phone and calls it.

after that, he was stayes at the hospital. after surgery, you stays a night with him. "i'm glad your back." you caress his hand.

"did you missed me?" he chuckles. "i missed you terribly so much!!" you said a lil louder. he laugh at it. he kiss your hand. "i'll stay beside you. always."

you smiles in happiness.

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