I instantly looked at the screen hearing the name. A small smile appeared on my face seeing it. My eyes lit up.

"So he is a part of The Raging Bulls, a very hardworking and talented blader. His bey is Storm Spryzen, A Balance type bey with a Clockwise Spin and Dual Layer. It's Forge Disc is Knuckle and the tip is United. He can launch with both his hands. His other launches are Blindfold Launch, Crux Boost, Turbo Crux Boost and Lightning Launch. The different attacks of the Bey are Counter Break, Upper Launch, Ultra Counter Break and Crux Boost. Now look at the attacks." He said while showing the 4 attacks of the Bey and Explaining them.

"Damn he's always handsome" That caught my attention as I looked away from the screen. I looked around the room and saw some girls smiling uncontrollablely and blushing while eyeing Shu and the guys rolling eyes at them or listening carefully to what Trad was saying.


Now I know what was sooo special and exciting about today's Analysis. They were only waiting for Shu? Never knew his charms worked here as well.

"That's it. Hope you all learnt something from the little session. Practice is in about two hours." Trad said turning off the screen.

"Please turn on the screen." A few girls pleaded Trad who rolled his eyes while sighing and turning the screen on.

"He's cute." Honey said as her cheeks turned rosy pink.

" Honey said as her cheeks turned rosy pink

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I chuckled at that. Even Shu will find her cute. Heheh.. This little girl is actually cute.

"Did you see his hair?" Ana said as others nodded.

But the way some of them were lustfuly eyeing him made me clench my fists in anger and irritation. No one can look at my brother in such a way. I tried controlling my rage by ignoring them and rolling my eyes at them.

"So Y/N what do you think of it?" Shasa asked me and that caused girls and boys to gather around me. Now why is everyone coming here?? Well other than Free, who was still sitting there eyeing us.

"Tell tell~ Hahahahhahah!!" Affire mocked.

"Do you like it? Don't you think he is handsome?" Ana's Friend held my hands and looked at me with hopeful eyes. What's with this behaviour? Do they know that I know Shu?

"Uhh.. yeah..? He is handsome." I said. Ofcourse Shu is handsome.

"Perfect!" She clapped her hands.

"Damn! Shu must know about this! Haha!!" Affire gave her point.

"She is unsure about that okay. So need to think that she is also like you all." Django said as he rested his arm on my shoulder.

The heck! I moved so that his arm lost balance and fell off and then I glared at him. He definately wants to die. He raised his hands in surrender and took a step back.

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