19. I KNOW

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1. The 2 foreign languages I would like to learn are Spanish and Japanese..
Well for being a teammate(naah..in the future.. something more😉) of Free and sis of Shu, I have to learn these...hehe..

2.Well it's Balance type...All in one.. Neither having an advantage nor a disadvantage...

3. Fubuki...well...I was also confused in this one..but I guess that Fubuki was the best captain of the Beyclub till now.. as his personality is alot like Shu (Effects of being a Student) and also he is disciplined,He knows how to handle his team and how to work as a captain and he's also a handsome one..
(But less than Free and Shu..hehe...Don't expect me to call him the most handsome one when you know that my favourite are Free and Shu..hehe..Sorry Fubuki Fans...but he is at 2nd Position...for me..As at first position there is a tie between my handsome and smart boys)

The next set of questions..
1. Can you guess the first season of Beyblade Burst I saw?(guess work...)

2.Someone I hate the most in the series

3.The season of Beyblade Burst which is my least preferred one....(I'm sure u can't guess this one.. it's my challenge.. hehe)




He is staring at me. Did he came to know what Affire said?If yes, then I have to face it now..What else can I do? What will he even think of me?

I felt my heartbeat increase its pace..I felt nervousness and embarrassment fill into me..I felt him constantly staring at me as I just looked down due to embarrassment...and if he continues to stare at me..I will faint most probably

"I KNOW."He said.

My heart skipped a beat..He knows.. Kill me someone..He heard it..And he knows everything that happened.. and about all the conversation.. He heard all the embarrassing comments that Affire made.. All her teasing.. Every bit of it..

Now what?

I gulped..and looked up at him but I saw that his face didn't show any emotion on it..Did it actually affect him or not..?Is he not upset or angry or uhmm..even happy about it? Now what will happen? He had heard everything that Affire said..Then he must have also heard the last conversation as well..I don't think so that he appreciated this.. Who will? I should just bury myself in the hole that I'm going to dig here.. Affireeee! What made you say all that!!!!?

"Good Morning"he said as I realised that I was staring at him.

"Uhm..s-sorry about..um..that and also for wh-"

"I know..that I have A Great Thinking.. But what happened to you?"He said cutting me..

(What do you think??Will I actually make it this easy...😂Naah!! It's a story of late confession!! Remember that..
And trust me..my half of the brain went in thinking about what will I write further..I myself didn't knew why I made such a suspense in last chapter..)



Wait What??!!!!

My eyes widened.. I then sighed in relief.. He was talking about my last comment not about the conversation with Affire.. Oh God!! I was having a panic attack here... Thank Goodness!!

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