"Shaurya, unnecessarily, you are getting worried, it's nothing!"

"No! It's not!" he voiced confidently before hitting the engine and pulling the car back on the road. "My assumption is extremely dubious, Saira," he said, eyes fixed on the road. "It's not the first time, since two weeks I was watching that car. I thought maybe he will also ride the same route and time. But today, we started earlier and the route is opposite your mansion."

Though it seemed to be suspicious, I didn't bother about it. Rather than living with the thought of someone behind me, I digested the fact that one or another day the rival business will target my life to blackmail my father(Which I doubt will be effective for a money-minded like him). And after that fire incident, I took in-one or another day I will also end up like my mother. Moreover, no one paid interest to find out about the white hoodie with the white mask man, till now.

"Saira!" Shaurya's deep voice broke my thread. I took a deep breath and tilt my head towards him. He gestured at the building behind me. I followed his gaze to know that we reached the jewelry store.

As we stepped into the elevator he poked at the second floor. "Did she say, why she wanted to meet me?"

"She wanted to introduce you to some person!" He said again avoiding my gaze while my eyes were glued on him.

As we stepped out, he followed me down the hall but stopped outside of her cabin. I didn't consider any manner to knock and stepped in, pulling the door inward.

"Thank God! Step-mom, unnecessarily I was getting tensed that you either got cardiac arrest or tripped off from staircase." I mocked while inspecting her cabin. She sat on a chair behind the large glassy table. Her table was spread with wedding jewelry designs. Beside her table were a few shelves decorated with different jewelry. There was a family photo of us hung on the wall, one behind her chair.

"You should know your love will never let anything bad happen to me!" She riposted immediately with a fake smile.

"Come to point. Why do you want to see me?" I pried and ambled to the couch. I sank on that with a thud making her crinkle with my action and to annoy her further I crossed my legs on that, spoiling her couch with the dirt of my boots.

"Saira! Put it down," she irked making her nose tip go red with irritation. Her phone beeped the immediate moment. She attended it "Yes. Send him to my Cabin!" she cut the call and glared at me, "Saira, behave like a high-society person." I rubbed my boots further on the couch. "You are ridiculous!"

A knock on the door drew her attention toward it and she beamed out. "Mr. Dixit, please come in." He gave me a once-over and smirked lecherously. I scowled at him, still stuck in the same position. "Saira!" she muttered, glowering at me. "Please, sit down!" He took a seat on the armchair in front of the table.

"How are you, Saira!"

My brows crinkled hearing my name from his filthy mouth. Who gave him the right to call me by my first name? He is not my friend, relative, or my liking person.

"It's Miss Mehra!" I corrected him.

"Mr. Dixit!" Niveditha piped in, studying the tension between us. Would you like to have some tea or coffee!"

"Coffee, will be good!" he said smiling and for a second he drifted his gaze at her cleavage. That she noticed but acted as if he didn't leer at her. Am I hear to watch this loony toon show?

I huffed, "Can I know why I am here?" I questioned her and stood on my foot ready to fly out of her cabin.

"Mr. Dixit will be starting your classes of modeling next week!" I intermittently glanced at her filthy face and Mr. Dixit's rotten egg-like face that still held a smirk. Indeed, it aggravated my nerves to turn off the nerve supply of his facial muscles by smashing his head against that glassy desk.

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