Widow's V Archer's

Start from the beginning

Walking over to the girl not expecting her to kick her leg up, catching Vera's feet, making her fall but she turned it into a backflip landing back in the hallway. Maya came sprinting at her she jumped at the brunette, and she caught Maya running back to the open area, Vera spun her around and tossed her to the wall where she was knocked unconscious by sheer force.

Vera heard a high-pitched noise of an arrow being fired at her back, the assassin stepped back and back tucked over the arrow landing with a big thud on the wooden floorboards. She looked over to see an open-mouthed Kate Bishop.

Finally, Kate and Vera would meet, and the brunette stepped forward with her hand out in greeting. But Kate took it as she was about to fight, she pulled another arrow and shot Vera's shoulder, the tip sliced deep into her skin as she collapsed to a knee at the pain. Before it could go any further Vera pulled it out slowly standing and throwing the arrow at the window shattering it.

They started to fight Vera didn't throw her kick or punches as hard as she usually does because even if Kate had just shot at her she still liked the small 22-year-old.

"Clint, I've got the watch but Maya's here," she said into a similar earpiece to the widow sisters they continued to fight, and Vera got the bow out of her grasp as it slides to an unconscious Maya.

"If you're fighting Maya, who am I fighting?" Clint asked and Kate looked over to the building opposite to see her 'partner' fighting someone identical to who she was but only in black Vera also looked outside to see her sister. Kate took her distraction and knocked her down, she over to her bow and saw the body she took a closer look to see it was Maya out cold.

"Uhm Clint, I don't think I'm fighting Maya either" Kate's voice broke.

"Quick go to the window" Clint breathed out before she heard a groan, she ran to the window to see a wire.

When Vera stood Kate was gone, she walked to the window to see her on the wire slowly making her way over. Vera stepped onto the wire and leisurely walked to where Kate could take a few more steps and be on the building, she jumped from the metal and perfectly landed Kate however lost her grip and started to fall.

Vera jumped back off the wire now thinking it was uneven bars and grasped it with her hands while the wire slumped down, and she was able to catch Kate with her legs trapping themselves under Kates's arms stopping her from falling

Kate looked up at the masked girl wondering who it was and why she was saving her yet also fighting her. Vera slowly let one hand off the wire relying on her left hand to hold them up, Kate started to panic thinking she was gonna let go completely.

Except she only grabbed her hand and unwrapped her legs, so they were both now dangling. The widow slowly started to swing Kate gaining more strength and momentum Kate was making the same motion a swing does when they go up and down.

With a big grunt from Vera and a scream from Kate, she threw her crush far enough and high enough where Kate landed on the building rolling a bit as she tried to gain her breath back.

She turned back to the wire watching the masked person swinging themselves back up and grabbing her bow and chucking it on the roof. Kate watches her somehow strut on the wire towards her.

It was now the archers vs the widows, Yelena and Clint continued to fight while Vera had just stepped off the wire and stood in front of Kate staring at her through the mask. The brunette walked over to Clint and started to fight him with Yelena he was getting tired and both sisters could tell easily not long until he gives up.

Vera was about to throw another punch at Clint when Kate hooked her arms under the girl's armpits and attempted to drag her away. Except the red suit kicked off the ground and somehow flipped over Kate's head their arms were still intertwined as Vera stood with Kate close to falling on the floor.

She instead gently lowered Kate to the floor and went back to Clint, sure she knew he didn't kill her, but she was mad at him for a different reason, and she wanted to make him feel her pain.

She saw Yelena on the floor slowly getting up and Clint bending over trying to catch his breath after ripping off one of the black widow bites. Vera walked over to him bringing up her boot she kicked him with such force he fell 15 feet away it was the strongest Vera had ever felt on pure strength.

Both sisters walked over to him, and he quickly swung his leg around both sisters' feet making them collapse. Clint grabbed Yelena and Kate grabbed Vera they struggled to get out of their grip but managed to escape without their masks.

They both slowly turn to the archers. Clint had a face of shock from seeing both faces and Kate was confused not knowing who the girls were Yelena had a face of anger and rage as her chest heaved. She quickly threw her grappling hook down and ran jumping off the building.

Vera held eye contact with Clint eyes filled with hatred, sadness and betrayal her face showed a type of sadness no one had seen before. She then looks over to Kate and has a small smile and sends a quick wink before running off the building and swinging around a lamp post.

Landing on the ground with a big thud and finally running off into the night it was only Kate and Clint left on the roof. The man looked over to the girl her face was confused but her cheeks said otherwise why was she blushing from a girl that fought her and almost killed Clint?

She was intrigued by this mysterious person.

Word Count:1414

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