Chapter 7- Revealing Truths

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A/N: ok so I know I say I was going to keep to my schedule but I have French classes on Sunday and we had an exam. And of course I found this out after I uploaded my last chapter. sorry.

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Both men jumped at Minerva's sudden outburst, but it was well justified. Her magic was wild and had broken a vase nearby but she paid no mind to it as she continued to rant, pacing back and front.

"Blocks, compulsion and numerous memory charms, I'm surprised we didn't forget our names yet", Severus looked just as angry as Minerva while Remus was having trouble controlling his growls. Moony was beyond furious at what he was seeing.

"I understand your anger but that is not all" Kroix said calmly as he pulled out another parchment.

"Oh sweet merlin, what else has he done?" Severus asked for them all, seeing as Remus couldn't speak without growling every two seconds. Minerva, who had sat back down, was silently fusing beside him, too angry to speak.

"It has also been brought to our attention that Heir Potter-Black has been under numerous blocks and spells." He handed over the parchment to Minerva.

Remus and Severus read over Minerva's shoulders. If you looked at Minerva, you could literally see the stream coming from her as she read the parchment. "Well that explains why Draco but something doesn't add up", Severus thought to himself as he read.

"THE AUDACITY OF THAT OLD GOAT" Minerva yelled, both men could help but agree with her(who wouldn't).

"To put a magical block on a person,no less a child. He could have died. Not only that, try to block the child's birthright and the poor boy has a piece of Voldemort in the scar." Minerva angrily ranted as she looked at the inheritance test. Remus's growl has gotten louder as well, as he tried to control his wolf.

"The ritual has already been gone so his core has been unblocked and all unwanted spells and charms had been removed,"Griphook spoke up but they could continue, "but another reason you have been called here is to assist in handling his vault"

"Please tell me you're not saying what I think you're saying", Minerva said dangerously low. A shadow cast over her face hiding her expression.

"I'm afraid so" Griphook replied.

The vase beside Remus broke causing him to flinch.

"So you're telling me not only did he almost kill a kid by blocking his magic but he's also stealing from said kid", Minerva had a sickeningly sweet smile on her face, causing both Severus and Remus to look at each other and gulp nervously. They could feel her magic, it was like an untamed beast(read cat) ready to hunt its prey.

Remus started to panic, he still hasn't got his growls under control but if Minnie doesn't calm down soon. Well let's just say this office will go bye bye.

"Hey" Remus started only to be interrupted by his own growl,"Minerva I get-" another growl made its way out as Minerva snapped turned her attention to him.

." that your angry but-" another growl "you need to-" yet another growl as Remus clenched and unclenched his hands

"Calm down" Remus finished, he was sweating bullets at this point trying to keep his wolf in.

"I am calm" Minerva fired back.

"No offense but you're as calm as a thunderstorm, '' Severus interjected, his voice filled with sarcasm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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