Chapter 2- The meeting

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A/N: Additional Information
Writing- italic
Parseltongue- italic underline


Draco was making his way out of his room on a search from his mother. His little board floating behind him. Draco was a selective mute. He could talk but he preferred not to. His father got it for him for his birthday. His mother was still annoyed that he didn't talk though he didn't really understand why. He still remembers his father's face when he uses his voice for the first time in front of him

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Flashback •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Draco was on his way to his father's study. His house-elf, Dobby, had informed him that his father wished to see him. He was excited, he hadn't seen his father for weeks now but he understood it was because of his job being in the Ministry and all. He stopped in front of his father's study and knocked, waiting for a response. He heard a faint 'come in' from the other side. He went in closing the door behind him. His father was standing in front of his desk, smiling warmly at him. Draco immediately ran over to his father hugging him.

"Hello to you too, Draco" Lucius laughed, hugging his son back. "I got something for you" He whispered to him.

Draco let go of his father, looking at him excitedly bouncing in place. His father laughed once again at his son's antics. Most people of the wizarding world think Lucius is a cold-hearted and strict man, who strongly believes in pureblood supreme but that is far from the truth. Lucius went behind his desk and took out a box wrapped in silver paper with a blue ribbon. He walked back to Draco, handing it to him. Draco looked at the present in his hand and back to his father.

"Go on, open it", his father said encouragingly, gesturing to the box.

Draco smiled and started to tear open his present. The wrapping fell to the ground and disappeared. Draco suspected that it was due to the house-elves but didn't think much of it. Looking back at the board that was now in his hand. He looked at his father confused. His father laughed, moving to sit crossed-legged on the carpet gesturing for Draco to sit. Draco moved to sit between his father's legs resting his back against his father's chest.

"It will help you communicate better and yes I know you know sign language", Lucius explained to his son. " Severus helped me with this for you.

Draco looked up at his father in awe but he was confused about how it worked. He went back to the board in his lap holding it up then looked back to his father.

Lucius smiled at his son and continued explaining," Focus your magic into the board. You remember how to, right?"

Draco nodded to his father, looking at the board again. He closed his eyes and focused on his core then transferred some of his magic over to the board. He opened back his eyes and the board has a light glow to it now. He smiled proudly at his achievement. He looked at his father silently answering what to do now. His father chuckled and pointed to the board.

Draco was confused. He looked back to the board. The once blank board now has the words 'what now?' written on it. His eyes widened and he was grinning from ear to ear. He stood and hugged his father. He buried his face in his father's shoulder, turning his head slightly as he whispered to his father.

"Thank you Father"

His voice sounded raw due to the fact he had never used it before. His father was stunned, this was the first time he had heard his son's voice. Recovering quickly, he hugged his son back, grinning like a fool.

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