Chapter 1- The Zoo

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"How many are there?", Dudley asked loudly. Dudley Dursley, Harry's cousin, is a whale-looking spoiled boy that takes after his parents. He was a big bully, especially to Harry. He would always have his friends go after Harry in a 'game' he calls 'Harry Hunting'.

It was Dudley's sixth birthday and like every year he always got presents whereas Harry never got any. His relatives also reasoned it was because freaks don't get presents. Harry accepted that, not willing to get a beating if he tried to protest. Though that didn't stop him from watching in envy while serving the Dursley's breakfast.

"Twenty-six counted them myself", his father declared proudly. Veron Dursley, Harry's uncle, is an even larger whale than his son. He delivered most of Harry's 'punishment' for being a 'freak' or doing something 'wrong' in his eyes. Sometimes Harry doesn't even understand what he did wrong but never asked knowing that would result in more beatings.

"Twenty-six!!" Dudley shouted angrily, turning to his father," last year, there were Twenty-seven!!".Angered that the fact that there were less than last year.

"Well, some of them are bigger than last year" Veron tried to reason with his brat son.

"I don't care how big they are", Dudley continued to complain, stomping his feet. Harry rolled his eyes at how spoiled his cousin was. 'At least you get presents, you ungrateful pig' Harry found himself thinking.

"Now darling, how about this?" His mother intercepted moving in front of Dudley, " When we go out to the zoo we'll buy two more presents, yeah". Petunia Dursley, Harry's aunt, is a horse-looking woman compared to her husband and son. While she never physically abused Harry she did nothing to stop it. She simply watched with a tainted smile on her face. She always had Harry do all the chores and always finds reasons for Veron to punish him whether it was true or false.

Although she doesn't physically abuse him, she always verbally abuses him. She always berates him for being a 'freak', that he is the reason his parents died and a lot of others that are his fault. Harry learned very early to never take anything she said to heart. He knows she's trying to get a rise out of him so she can tell his uncle when he comes home which results in a beating. It still hurts tho to be hated for something he can't control or even understand but he would never admit that to them.

With a sigh, Harry finished serving breakfast and left the room quietly to not give his uncle any reason to punish him. Retreating to his cupboard to read some books he stole for Dudley.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Time skip •°*"˜.•°*"˜

As it was time to leave, his uncle pulled him aside, warning him that any funny business and there will be consequences. With that, he pushes him forward demanding him to get in the car. Setting his glasses right, Harry went without much protest.'

And with that, they headed out to the zoo. On the way, Harry watched the landscape go by knowing he'll probably never get this chance again. Oh if only he knew how wrong he was.

On arrival, The Dursleys plus Harry entered the zoo. They caught up with their friend while Harry stands in the back taking in the scenery around him and keeping an eye on the Dursleys knowing they will not hesitate to leave him behind. After 10 minutes when Dudley started complaining, they started onwards in the zoo with Harry following close behind. They went to every attraction and exhibits that Dudley wanted to see. Harry enjoyed himself though he didn't let it show.

A while later, they decided to take a break because Dudley was loudly complaining about being tired and hungry. They stopped at the food court for lunch. Harry sat a few seats behind them fidgeting with the hem of his shirt while he wait for the others to finish. Afterward, they headed to their last stop for the day which was the Reptile House.

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