Togethers Peril/Blissful Wishes

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Annie: maybe its the others

Bertholdt: porco most likely died fighting, pieck on the other hand i cant say, but still don't let your guard down

Annie: of course you don't have to tell me twice

Bandit leader: well well well look theirs some still here

Bertholdt: bandits? You killed our king

Bandit leader: oh he was dead when we got here

Bertholdt: ...

Bandit leader: so we thought free shit and here we are, we'd be fools to pass an opportunity like this

Annie: you're fools to come here, you'll die

Bandit leader: thats big talk, look around, i dont think you're in a position to talk like that

Bertholdt: are you with kenny?

Bandit leader: who? ha nah, i know who you're talking about but no he cant be trusted

Bertholdt: and you can?

Bandit leader: hmm, how about yea, yea i can

Annie: leave this place, theirs nothing here for you

Bandit: shut up bitch

Annie: ? What did you-

*Bertholdt rushes his blade as hard as he can through the bandit chest twisting and turning it*

Bertholdt: why are you talking so much? Whats wrong with you? no manners?

Bandit leader: gwpha..

Bertholdt: say it, call her that again

Bandit leader: ackfhyf

Bertholdt: huh? you done talking? Good, next time if you don't have anything nice say don't say anything at all

*Bertholdt pulls his blade out the falling bandit, looking towards the others he readies himself*

Bertholdt: who else? Which one of you wants to die next? If anyone threatens my queen i swear none of you will leave this place

*the fighting starts, the two of the bandits charge at Bertholdt, one clashes with him while the other is struck dead by annie throwing her blade straight into his neck*

Annie: i told you to leave, you all will die if you stay to fight us

* suddenly a small group of bandits appear behind annie, Bertholdt rushes to grab her, she falls as he quickly covers over her, the bandit slashing at his back, he stays sure not to move so annie does not get hurt*

Annie: Bertholdt, again? move, you cant fight if you protect me

Bertholdt: you ok?

Annie: Bertholdt!

Bertholdt: i cant protect you if i fight, if i move you'll get hurt, here

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