Devoted/First Instinct

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Annie: ok, ill stay here in my room just save him ok?

Reiner: that's the plan

Ymir: hopefully its not to late

Krista: ymir don't talk like that, i believe we still have time

Ymir: i love how optimistic you are

Reiner: ok tonight ill go to him and tell our plan

Ymir: yea whats the plan again?

Reiner: a royal ceremony, annie will gather everyone including the guards

Ymir: and how are you going to keep they're attention

Annie: i...will accept my marriage proposal and agree to the truce of our neighbor kingdom of paradise

Reiner: ...

Ymir: really?

Krista: so you're...leaving then?

Annie: i am, krista, you'll be a great queen

Reiner: wait, you don't have to decide just yet

Annie: i think i do, it will be a royal decree so if i say, everyone must attend, during that time reiner will rescue Bertholdt

Ymir: this again? Ok hold on if reiner isn't at the ceremony wont someone get suspicious? Everyone knows how close reiner and bertholdt are, i think it should be someone not so close, i cant, im still a knight

Krista: ill do it

Ymir: whoa slow down

Krista: no ymir i wont, you cant, reiner cant, and annie cant, that only leaves me

Reiner: and why you?

Krista: its good, we're not to close but we're not strangers either, theirs a good balance there

Ymir: i hate that plan, what if you get caught

Krista: im the queen, i have a right to walk my kingdom for no reason if i please

Ymir: .hmm

Reiner: cant argue

Ymir: historia, listen

Krista: silence ymir, thats an order, Bertholdt is my friend too, im helping

Ymir: shit



*as the ceremony begins Bertholdts cell door opens*

Guard: your armor sir hoover

Bertholdt: ...oh....thank you, whats going on? Where's everyone going?

Guard: a ceremony was called by princess annie

Bertholdt: ceremony for what?

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