Unexpected People/Your Defense part1

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Bertholdts pov

These people, this island, these people are supposed to be my enemies....but not anymore, annie will be queen here, they will be allies... friends maybe?

Bertholdt: reiner, what are you doing here?

Reiner: what i cant visit my best friend?

Ymir: how's ice princess doing?

Bertholdt: ymir you're here too?

Krista: Bertholdt!

Bertholdt: krista? Why are you- aren't you queen now?

Krista: yea, how are you? And how's my sister?

Bertholdt: annie, she's..well, she's growing to like this place

Reiner: thats great

Bertholdt: ....hey why are you guys here?

Ymir: you asked that already

Bertholdt: the king let you all leave?

Ymir: sure did

Bertholdt: why?

Ymir: he's dieing

Krista: ymir please

Ymir: sorry he's sick

Bertholdt: Really? How bad?

Ymir: dont know

Reiner: yea, and he wants you and annie back

Bertholdt: but annie is supposed to get married and become a queen here

Reiner: hmm

Bertholdt: i dont know

Ymir: hey bert if you guys come back wont the wedding be postponed? Or maybe even called off?

Bertholdt: ill talk to her, if the king is sick annie should know

Reiner: so how is it here? Lets look around

Bertholdt: the food is pretty good here

Ymir: yea?

Bertholdt: we also made friends here

Ymir: im sure she's gotten to know the prince very well

Bertholdt: ...

Ymir: they in the same room yet?

Bertholdt: the actual wedding isn't until next week but tonight is the ceremony

Ymir: hey good timing for us then

Bertholdt: but its fine, annie is fine so its fine

Reiner: sure it is

Krista: i don't know what you're talking about Bertholdt but it sounds like all's well

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