"Looks like he's going to handle the gargoyle problem on this Earth," said Tirado.

"The gargoyles are not going to be the problem on this Earth," said Celi. "That version of Lu is."

"Maybe we should recruit him?"

"Not if he killed our Lu. We can't trust a guy like that."

"Agreed," said Papo.

"I got a hold of Alex," said Torta through the computer. "Would you like me to connect you?"

"Right away," said Papo.

"What's going on up there?" asked Alex through the computer.

"A lot, but are you okay? Have you reunited with Delvis?"

"Not yet," answered Alex. "Some alarm went off and they locked me away in some room. Said something about the gargoyles attacking. Is that true?"

"No. This Earth's Lu snuck onto our ship disguised as our Lu."


"Yes, and he got a hold of Tirado's lamp. He made two wishes and now is the most powerful human on this planet."

"That's not good. What does that mean for the rest of our crew?"

"Celi, Tirado and I are fine. Torta lost his body, but he'll be okay. Joe is still in his room and the ship has taken some damage."

"Damn it. I should have known something was wrong. Mutt Daimon was barking at him."

"Don't worry about that now. You have an important mission. You need to find out what happened to Delvis and Lu, and rescue them if possible."

"On it," said Alex.


Alex and Mutt Daimon observed the room carefully. They put him in a comfortable room and not a cell. Alex pulled up his sleeve, revealing a gauntlet, and Mutt Daimon barked.

"Yes boy," said Alex. "It's time for our great escape."

Alex tapped on his gauntlet, causing him and Mutt Daimon to shrink to the size of ants. Mutt Daimon barked and ran excitedly around Alex. They were so small they could sneak out through the bottom of the door.

"Come on boy." Alex and Mutt Daimon ran under the door and entered the hall, finding it empty. "Great, now to figure out where Delvis and Lu are at." Alex pulled out a piece of black cloth. "Here, smell this."

Mutt Daimon took a sniff of the cloth and then ran off down the hall, Alex followed. Due to their size, it took them a long while to make it to their destination. Mutt Daimon ran under a door and Alex followed. Mutt Daimon stopped and barked at two figures above him. Alex tapped on his gauntlet and they returned to normal size, startling the two men.

"Hmpt," said Alex as he looked at Ninja Lu. "Are you our real Lu?"

"Excuse me?" said Ninja Lu.

"What Earth are you from?"

"Earth 99. Why the hell are you asking?"

"Because you don't startle easily and we startle you."

"You just appeared out of nowhere and it's been a long night."

"Funny, this Earth's Lu used the same excuse."

"What's going on?" asked Delvis. "Please tell me you guys didn't let that guy break into our ship?"

"He didn't break in," said Alex. "We let him in." Delvis and Lu glared at him. "It gets worse. This Earth's Lu is now a superhero and is currently killing the gargoyles."

"You let him get his hands on the lamp?"

"Not me. I was on this ship to relieve you," said Alex, looking at Ninja Lu. "The others let him grab the lamp. He took out Torta and made two wishes."

Delvis sighed. "Great. How is our ship?"

"Took a bit of damage but it's still standing."

"How strong is superhero Lu now?"

"He wished himself as the strongest person on Earth."

"Was that his exact wish?"

"I don't know," answered Alex. "I wasn't there. That's how Papo phrased it."

"Alright," said Delvis. "Then we still might have a chance here."

"What you planning, boss?"

"Still in contact with the crew?"

"Yes I am." Alex pulled out his ear piece and tried to hand it over to Delvis.

"No thanks," said Delvis, looking at the earpiece with disgust. "Tell them to release Joe and tell him to knock this ship out of the sky."

"What? But what about us?"

"We'll survive," said Ninja Lu.

"Tell him to knock the ship down with the least amount of casualties as possible," said Delvis. There was movement coming from outside of the room. "Alex, shrink now. I don't want anyone knowing you're here."

Alex and Mutt Daimon shrunk as the doors slammed open. There were five guards at the door as they scanned the room.

"Is there a problem?" asked Delvis.

"You need to come with us," said one of the guards.

"Is it to see your boss?"

"Just come along."

Two guards went to grab Lu and Delvis.

"I think we'll escort ourselves," said Delvis as he and Lu sidestepped the guards, dropped them and stole their weapons; swords. They used their swords to incapacitate the other three guards.

Alex and Mutt Daimon grew back to regular size. "That was impressive."

"Did you give Papo my orders?" asked Delvis.

"Yes sir."

"Shrink again. You'll be my wild card."

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