𝖲𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖢𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗒

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Tokoyami was never one to really candy or candied things well except for apples but that was a different topic for another time.

He first met Hawks he gave him a piece of candy that was sour apple favored. He really wasn't a fan of sour things but he except the candy either way and thanked his mentor anyways.

Soon enough Hawks kept giving him candy and it was all different favors but it was mostly hard candy like Jolly Ranchers or Toffee. The last time Tokoyami got candy was when Hawks suddenly went off the radar with no explanation why.

Now Tokoyami often bought hard candy to remind himself of Hawks. Now thinking about his mentor he was kinda strange to say the least. He always tell Tokoyami that he wishes he were son and if he had the chance he would take him away from his parents.
At first Tokoyami never really thought anything of it until he started to get letters saying that they were coming to save him.

He always wondered who they were and what were they saving him from. Hawks had also mentioned that sometimes he wished Tokoyami's parents were dead so that he could adopt him as his son. At first Tokoyami thought it was joke because people would often joke that Hawks and him were like a father and son duo but the more he heard it the more creepier it started to become.

Hawks always said that he gave him candy because his dad always did it for him and he always wanted to do it for his son. Tokoyami would often reply telling Hawks that he is not his son but the more he said it the more upset Hawks seemed to be. After a while he stopped correcting Hawks because there was no point if he was just going to keep saying it.

Tokoyami always saw a shadow staring at him that silhouette looked oddly like Hawks but the moment he went to go check it out it was gone. At first he thought it was a figment of his imagination. Well that was until Hawks said the words that he wants to see everything that Tokoyami does in day including at night too. When he first said it Tokoyami laughed it off as a joke  but it really started to make sense now.

After Hawks would say all of these things he give him two pieces of candy instead of one and wish him a good night. Looking back at now Tokoyami wished he had said something because maybe he wouldn't be in this predicament. He could still be in UA training to be a hero and not handcuffed to a bed with a cage around it.

Tokoyami really started to consider these things after Hawks came out as a villain. He would always feel like someone was watching him no matter where he went even in the shower. It really hit him when things started to disappear from his room and everytime  something left his room a piece of candy would be there as a substitute for it.

Now whenever he'd receive candy from   Hawks he'd never except it unless it forced down his throat. Tokoyami never thought that he would dislike candy as much as he does now. Just the thought of it makes him want to gag and spew his guts out. 

Candy was supposed to kind and sweet not evil and viel. Candy filled people with joy but now all it does is makes him sick to his stomach. All candy did for  Fumikage Tokoyami was ruin his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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