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                           chapter nineteen

happier                            chapter nineteen __________________________________

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in real life

lilian and corbyn were sat in his bed silently, doing their own thing. the bathroom light and a lamp being their only source of light.

"do you remember when i asked you if you wanted to move in together?" corbyn asked his girlfriend, who was reading a book.

"yes, why?" she responded without looking up from the page.

"because i want to know if you're willing to. i feel like we've been dating for long enough." lilian sighed before putting her book down, not forgetting to put the bookmark inside.

"it's not that i don't want to, because i think it would be fun and i do agree that we've been dating for awhile, not counting the break up part, but i'm just scared that randy finds out we're together again. what would happen then?" she looked him in the eyes.

"right," he paused, "have you ever thought about how much better it would be for us if i weren't in a band."

"corbyn don't think like that. you love being in band plus you have all your best friends with you." lilian spoke softly.

"but you're my best friend," he frowned and laid his head on her chest, lilian's hands immediately going though corbyn's hair.

"but you have the boys too."

"i guess you're right, i just don't want to lose you again. that's why you're my number one." corbyn smiled and snuggled into her chest more.

"i know love," lillian replied then kissing corbyn's head, "you're not gonna lose me, i promise."

"pinky promise?" corbyn looked up at her, holding up his pinky.

lilian nodded, "pinky promise." she locked her pinky with his making a pinky promise.


omg hi!
i'm so so sorry i haven't been posting :(
i'm gonna try and write more, and i'm actually keeping my promise this time.
im also sorry that this chapter is short !

anyway, i love u
you're worth so much 🤍

anyway, i love u you're worth so much 🤍

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^ :)

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^ :)

𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗜𝗘𝗥, 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗯𝘆𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now