A Very Long Day

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"What's your name?" The doctor asked Gipsy who sat in front of him still soaking wet. Her golden eyes narrowed at him as she said.

"I already told you," she started. "My name is Gipsy Danger."

Gipsy then crossed her arms in front of her chest in annoyance.

"I thought you said Gipsy Danger was fully destroyed." Mako said to Raleigh as she glanced at the young woman in the conference room.

"She was." Raleigh stated. "She's probably confused."

"What makes you think that Raleigh?" Mako asked and Raleigh took a deep breath.

"For starters Gipsy is a 260 foot tall metal robot. Not a six foot eight tall flesh and blood human girl." Raleigh pointed out.

"Right." Mako said. "But doesn't a small part of you wish she was still alive?" Mako then asked Raleigh and he looked at her.

"I know one thing for certain." He growled pointing at the amber eyed woman. "That girl is not my Jaeger, and the the closest thing I have to her now is Tacit since he was designed after her and Coyote Tango." He added his face as hard as stone and he walked off.

Mako sighed softly and looked over back at young woman in the conference room. She looked cold, bored, and soaking wet.

Mako then after blowing a strand of her blue hair out of her face walked down to the conference room. "Ms. Mori we are in the middle of a...." The doctor said tersely however Mako cut him off.

"Your not going to get any answers out of her when she's soaking wet." The doctor sighed and let Mako lead the young woman out of the room.

"Thanks." The young woman said with a thankful look on her face. Mako then led her to the woman's wash barracks. After helping her out of her now sticky blue tank top Mako noticed battle scars that looked quite similar to injuries Gipsy Danger had gotten over the years.

One of the most noticeable ones was one on her left arm which looked as if the woman had been stabbed through the flesh connecting her shoulder to her torso and some carnivorous animal had bitten repeatedly.

"You've got a lot of battle scars." Mako noted as she looked at the scars on the young woman's body.

Gipsy looked at her left shoulder and noticed the scar as well. However she then looked at her right shoulder to see there was a bite mark on it from when Rajiu had ripped her arm off using his jaws.

"You should remember some of these Mako Mori." The young woman said pointing at her back were multiple long drag mark scars were located.

"This from when Otachi grabbed us and flew up into the upper atmosphere." Gipsy said and then she pointed to another batch of scars on her back in the middle of the torso.

These scars were shaped like a diamond.

"These were from when Slattern backstabbed me with his tails and your oxygen levels dropped." Gipsy stated and Mako noticed the scars as well, they were shaped like the stab marks from a blade, and there was three of them, all of them being up near her shoulders.

"And one more thing. During our first drift you chased the RABIT and in the memory you were running from Onibaba in Tokyo and carrying a red shoe while doing so." Gipsy said and Mako's eyes widened in happiness.

"It is you isn't it?" Mako asked and Gipsy nodded silently. The two then hugged each other.

"It's me Mako. I came home." Gipsy said however broke away from her hug. "Also what was Raleigh saying about Tacit being the closest thing to me left?" Gipsy asked and Mako then sighed.

"Herc Hansen assigned us to be temporary pilots for him after his original pilots left, but this will be only until new ones are chosen." Mako said however Gipsy perked up when Mako said "him".

"Wait did Tacid break the line between non-sentient and sentient?" Gipsy asked and Mako nodded silently.

"He's normally quiet and doesn't say much. He acts like he still isn't sentient." Mako said and Gipsy had a saddened look on her face

"What happened to his pilots?" Gipsy asked.

"They died during the double event." Mako answered.

"I think I know how we can cheer both of them up." Gipsy then said after putting on some new clothes.

Mako looked into Tacit Icon's conn pod to see Raleigh leaning up against the wall of Tacit's conn pod silently. "Raleigh we need to talk." Mako said and she then added on. "Tacit you need to hear this as well." The mark three let out a soft groan of annoyance in response.

"What do we need to talk about?" Raleigh asked.

"About Gipsy Danger." Mako stated and Tacit mentally facepalmed.

"She's destroyed." Raleigh said bluntly.

"I'm right here Raleigh." Came Gipsy's voice from outside the conn pod. The voice sounded remarkably Gipsy's jaeger A.I but with a bit of Mako's voice mixed in.

She then stood in the frame of the door and looked at him. "Can I have a few minutes alone with the boys?" Gipsy asked Mako who nodded silently and stepped out.

"Gipsy was destroyed, I detonated her myself." Raleigh said and Gipsy sighed softly.

"I died but came back to life." Gipsy said and Raleigh crossed his arms.

"Tell me something the real Gipsy Danger would know." Raleigh said and Gipsy huffed softly.

"During the Anchorage battle against Knifehead, the last thing Yancy said to you was for you to listen to him. He never got to finish his sentence as he was ripped from my conn pod and you solo piloted me back to shore." Gipsy said and Raleigh walked up to her.

He then placed a hand on her cheek and all of his memories of past deployments came flooding by him. "My god it is you." Raleigh said and the two hugged.

However Gipsy broke away from the hug and walked over to Tacit's console and then said. "You on the other hand. Tacit you need to stop acting like a baby and get over the fact that your pilots died, your allowed to mourn, but don't let it make you non responsive." Gipsy said sternly to the console and the Jaeger let out a sad whirring noise.

"Don't give me that crap." Gipsy growled and the Jaeger went quiet and the two walked out of his conn pod. Soon months past, Gipsy would be known as "Gipsy Becket", Raleigh's adopted sister.

Tacit and Gipsy would "talk" commonly. It was mainly just Gipsy talking to the mark three with him just listening silently but Gipsy was still felt lonely. However one night a muscled arm breached from the water near the nearest beach.

A figure swam towards the shore and put a tanned arm on his silver shirt. To his beating heart and a small smile appeared on his face.

He then fell unconscious and lay there until he was found by Gipsy the next day.

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